Chapter 8

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~ Jack's POV~

Once I looked at the time again, I'd spent 15 minutes just looking and laugh at this girl's account. She was funny and smart and some of her tweets were even about her trying to find me. I guess she's been in New York or Connecticut lately and she's tried to find me.

As much as I didn't want to follow her out of the blue, earlier, I couldn't help but click that follow button.

~ Liz's POV ~

I had just finished my shift and it was so fun. I went to my car in the parking lot with Tracey behind me, making sure I had her number and to call her later about the puppy details.

Once I turned on the car, I grabbed my purse from the passenger seat and took out Jack's phone. I decided to go to his pictures and find every selfie I didn't already have of Jack and send it to myself. Then, I went on his twitter. I saw his last tweet and I was completely shocked with his last tweet.

After a few minutes of me starring at that tweet, not being able to even do anything, I shook it off. I went to one of my closest twitter friends's account and DMed her, pretending to be Jack. I wrote "Thank you for the support, ilysm!"

I knew it wasn't the best idea but they're my friends and if it makes them smile and happy, I'll take the small risk of Jack getting mad at me. I couldn't help myself, I started DMing every account I knew, pretending to be Jack.

After a while, I realized I should get going to the house. I put down Jack's phone, out the car in drive, and left the now crowded Starbucks parking lot.

On my way to the house, mine and Jack's phones were blowing up. I didn't look because I was driving, but I had a feeling it was the group chat that I was accidentally put in yesterday.

I smiled at the thought of the people in the group chat texting me. Last week, I was begging those people for a follow on twitter. Now, I have their numbers but I don't even know who I could tell.

I would tell Tracey, but she wouldn't understand. She was more into fictional characters in books than actual celebrities (which is fine with me, books are cool).

After that I thought about telling one of my friends back in Ohio, like Kayla maybe, but then I remembered that they're fangirls too. They might want Jack or someone else's number and that might backfire.

I just want someone who would understand correctly, but also not try to use me to get to Jack. As far as I know, I don't know who to trust when it comes to something like this.

Before I knew it, I was turning onto my new street and nearly to my house. I looked around at all the nice houses. All of them large, two story houses with some snow on the ground in a few places. Yeah, that's how cold it was getting. The difference between Florida and Connecticut in the winter was amazing.

Finally at my house, I got out of the car and walked to the front porch. It really was a nice house. This move, was the best thing my mom has ever gotten me.

I unlocked the door and the scent of Vanilla quickly went through my nose. It would have been a nice smell, but I could tell my sister has done it. My sister thinks it's fun to run all around the house spraying the febreze. After a whole can of it is sprayed in one house, the scent gets a little too strong.

I covered my white Prove Them Wrong v-neck shirt I got a few years ago from Andrea Russett's merch store, over my nose and walked up the stairs as fast as I could to avoid the smell.

I plopped my butt down on one of the bean bags that Jack and I had brought up yesterday, then took out my phone.

I had the usual twitter notifications of youtubers and celebrities tweets that I got sent to my phone. But other than that, I had a ton of texts.

All but one of them were from the group chat. The other one, was from Connor Franta.

Connor - Hey Liz, when you get a chance, I wanted to video chat with you and explain why I called you earlier. 

Liz - Well I'm free now if you're not busy.

He replied almost immediately.

Connor - Alright, I guess I'll FaceTime you? Ok

Liz - Go for it :)

After that I was getting a FaceTime call. H-O-L-Y  F-U-C-K!! I, Elizabeth Russell, am about to FaceTime with THE Connor Franta! Ok Liz, don't freak out. You can do this, you were hanging out with ThatSoJack yesterday. 

I accepted the call and saw Connor's head on my small little phone screen. He was still home for the Holidays. I could only tell because he had Pre around his neck. Yeah, had, as in the poor orange cat fell off of the 21 year old male species, that is on my phone screen right now. 

"Oh my gosh Pre! Are you ok?" he asked the cat as he practically dived for him. The way Connor was holding the phone now let me see exactly what was happening with him and Pre. Pre wasn't happy, so he quickly got to his paws and ran away from Connor.

I couldn't help it, I busted out laughing at what I just saw. "Well, that didn't work out as planned" Connor said, chuckling a little at the end. "That poor cat! Connor that's animal abuse." I said, still laughing. "He's fine. But anywaaaayyy" Connor started to say, then looked at me seriously.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Well I want to tell you a little more about me. First off my job, I talk to a camera." Connor said, a little nervously.

"Well, to tell you a little more about me, I know what you do."

"And some people may think it's kind of wei-. Wait, what do you mean you know what I do?"

A/N: Oh Oh Oh, is that a cliff hanger?? The answer is yes =] but anyways, 
                     HAPPY NEW YEAR OMG ITS 2014!
I'll be updating this story soon too so that y'all wont have to wait forever :)
               I hope y'all are having a nice day and new year, cya =]

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