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I woke to a banging noise down stairs and decided to go have a look.

It was only weird because I'm the only one living in the motel.

Of course I picked the top floor so I could hear anything going on down stairs.

As I walked down the stairs the noise started getting louder.

I sighed and opened the door to the hall way.

"Whose there?" I asked shivering a bit after I found nothing yet the banging continued.

"Me" came a low voice from behind me.

I span around and glared at the guy who was looking openly at me.

"And what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I wanted to book a room. Aren't you a bit young to be a motel manager?" He asked.

"Oh, why didn't you say so. No I'm not the manager but I'll call her if you want"


We haven't had a costumer in months! I'm so happy!

I raced over to the wall phone and gave Carol a ring.

She was just as excited as I was.

"Ok hun, I'll be there in a sec. Later!"


I ended the call and walked over to the guy at the counter.

"She'll be here in a sec" I said happily."So, how long do you plan on staying here?"

"About a month" he replied cooly."is it nice here?"

"Well yes, to me this is home I've been living here for ten years by myself and I love it here"

The guy was about to say something when Carol barged in and ran behind the desk"how may I help you?" She puffed.

"I'd like to stay here for a month"

"Ok just fill this out and here's your key"

I took a look at the key. [#11]

Mines [#13], he's just down the hall from me!

He finished filling out the paper then grabbed his key and started heading in the opposite direction to his room.

Carol laughed and told me to go help him.

I raced up to him and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Where are you going"? I asked a little amused.

"To my room" he said with a strait face.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, but your rooms that way" I laughed pointing towards the other door to the stairs.

He look really embarrassed.

I laughed at the face he was pulling and lead him up to his room.

"My room is [#13] so if you need anything then give me a call" I pointed to the room across from his then I walked back to my room to get dressed.

I forgot that I was still wearing my pjs. How embarrassing!

I quickly changed into a white tank top with some skinny jeans and a pair of converses.

That guy looked a bit young to be booking into a motel for a mouth. He looked about fifteen to me.

He was way taller then me and bulkier too but not in fat wise. He had blond hair and cute soft brown eyes. His face was covered in tiny scars that made me wonder how he got them.

After I was finished getting dressed I raced down stairs to the counter.

"I'm just going to get some food for breakfast , I'll be back in a sec" I told Carol and walked to the supermarket across the road.

Carol was like a mother to me. I never go anywhere without telling her, even if she's not at the motel I give her a quick ring.

I don't know what I'd do with out her. The other day she even told me I was like a daughter she never had.

The giant sliding doors opened with a swish and I walked in.

I searched the shelves for something easy to whip up.

My eyes landed on a can of peaches. Perfect!

When I got home (yes I consider the motel home now) I opened the can and slid the peaches into a bowl and sat on the window seat at the front of the motel to eat them.

I loved watching people pass by while I ate for some reason.

When I was finished I put the bowl on the table next to the window seat and continued to look.

I sighed. I hate non-working days, life is so boring. A normal girl my age would be having the time of their lives going to school to get a good job, but me, well I've never been to school so I'll be stuck with jobs like the café, the motel and Mc Donalds for the rest of my life.

My thoughts were broken when I felt some one tapping on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw the boy.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you want me to take you to school?" He asked nervously.

"No thanks, I don't go to school"

He looked shocked.

"Why not?"

"That's a story for later and my friend I don't even know your name yet"

"Ok my name's Tyson" he said and stuck out his hand.

"The name's Riley, but my workmates call me Riles" I said while shaking his hand.

"Can I call you fire girl?"

"That's new, sure! Why not?" That's a new one."Why Fire Girl?"

"Your hair" he pointed out.

"Ok then, can I call you Ty?"

"Sure" he beamed"hey, I'm going to town, do you want to come?"

"I just went to town, but sure why not?" I jumped off my window seat and took my bowl to the dishwasher then followed him out the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Wait, isn't it a school day today? Don't you have to go to school"

"I'm ditching"

I gasped in shock.

"No your not! We can hang out after school" as much as I wanted to hang with someone I'm not letting him destroy his future for me.

"Why not? I do it all the time?"

I shook my head, grabbed his shoulders, turned him around and pushed him out the door.

"Go to school!" I yelled at him.

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