First Day Of School Part 1

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"I hate him! Did Carol do anything about it?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's ringing the police and she told me not to worry about it until tomorrow"I said." But I really am sorry for blaming you"

"Don't worry about it. I can see how you could blame me, it all kinda fits as me. But the thing is I couldn't have gotten the money because you were with me all day, and when you weren't you were in your room"

Damn! Why the hell didn't I think of that instead of jumping to conclusions?

I buried my face in my hands and shook my head.

"So sorry"

"It's fine, now wash up and get some rest, because tomorrow is your first day of school, and girl the first one is the hardest"

I nodded and left to take a shower.


In the morning, I woke up really early in order to get ready for school, which I found out takes a very long time.

I put all the books that I need in my bag along with my locker key.

When I was ready me and Tyson stood out side and waited for the bus to arrive.

"When the bus comes you have to get on and pick a seat fast otherwise the bus driver will drive off without you" Tyson said.


When the bus pulled up, Tyson got on first followed by me.

Tyson went and sat next to some random dude, leaving me to have nowhere to sit. All the seats were taken up, the only seats left were the ones that required me to sit next to someone else.

"Hurry the hell up and sit down, otherwise I'll make you walk to school" the bus driver yelled at me.

That captured the attention of everyone on the bus.

Then one kid waved their hand at me and asked me to come sit with them. So I did.

I didn't bother looking at who it was. The person didn't talk to me for a while, but decided that he was too curious to just sit there in silence with the new girl.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Riley" I replied.

"What school did you go to before this one?"


Sensing that I didn't want to talk to him, he shut up and left me to my own thoughts.

'Ring ring, ring ring'

That was my phone. I picked it up and had a look at the number: UNKNOWN.

What the hell?

I answered it any way.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi Riley, you listen, and listen well. I know where you live, I know where you are, and you should know that you can never hide from us" came a voice I never think I would ever hear again.

"Mum, I don't understand. Why do you want me dead? I'm not even in your way" I said, close to tears, my whole body shaking and voice wobbling.

"As long as your alive you will always be in our way. Now have a nice first day of school, because it might just be your last" she laughed and hanged up.

I put my phone back in my bag and tried so hard not to shake or cry.

Why is this even happening? I didn't even do anything wrong!

The whole bus was now looking at me, obviously everyone herd my end of the phone call, but the only one who cared was Ty.


After I got off the bus Ty told me he wanted to hang out with his friends, therefore leaving me standing in the middle of the quad looking like a dumb ass.

I sighed and went to sit down at an empty picnic table.

Before we got to school Tyson showed my how to put music on my phone. Apparently the motel has free wi-fi so I can download apps and music.

So I plugged in some pink Beats By Dre headphones and started listen to Nicki Minaj.

After listing to a couple of songs quietly so I could hear when the bell rings, I felt someone tap on my shoulder gently.

I spun around as fast as lightning just to see that guy I had to sit next to in the bus.

I sighed and turned around, turning the music off and hanging the headphones around my neck.

"Yes?" I huffed out unenthusiastically.

"Well I couldn't help but over hear you phone call on the bus and..."

"BUTT OUT!" I shouted at him." It has nothing to do with you, ok?"

"Ok" he nodded then ran off to some of his other girly friends.

"Ew...why are you talking to Frederick? He's gross" a girly voice whined from behind me.

" I didn't, he talked to me" I said as I spun around to see a really pretty girl with curly pale purple and blue hair, and soft midnight blue eyes and a kind smile.

"Oh, I'm Samantha, but I'm mostly known as Sammy or Sam" she beamed.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Riley Flinn, but people call me Riles" I said. "So, do you think you could show me around the place after classes?"

"Sure! Give me your timetable for a sec"

I handed over my already scrunched up timetable.

She looked at it then cheered happily.

"We have all of our classes together!" She said.

"That's awesome!"

Just then the bell rung signalling start of period 1.

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