Tuesday September 1st

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outfit for school^ Comment and Vote!!- Blaire

I woke up at 6:30 and got dressed. I made my soccer bag and cheer bag before getting breakfast. My mom texted me and she would be coming home tomorrow. I finished eating and headed to the training room. I went through my first couple hours easily. In 3rd hour my phone rang and it was Kathrine.

Me: Mrs. Garvin I have to take this.
Garvin: go ahead.

I grabbed my planner and went to the hallway.

Me: Hello
Kat: Hey it's Kathrine, I am calling because Nike needs to confirm the times for the photoshoots.
Me: uh the pep rally starts at 10 so whatever time they need to set up they can take. And then game starts and 7:30 and cheer gets there at 5:30 so what they want we can do.
Kat: Okay I will let them know and then text you the time
Me: okay thank you
Kat: of course bye Savannah
Me: bye

I hung up and went back to class. The day went by fast and I went to soccer and then tumbling class before going to football practice. Practice finished and I went home. Katrine texted me and said that Nike would set up at 9:20 and then at 6:30 for the game. I called Garvin and told her that Kiley's and my group needed to be let out early so she sent an email to our teachers. I did a little ball work and then went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now