Chapter 7

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No one knew that I was there, but right when the young woman left I stood there with a bit of shock. I didn't understand humans, but it was an honor to be in the presence of them. They are quite interesting on how they behave and what they do. But, there was some commotion in the lounge.

"That was great Cap, nice going," Widow said as she slapped his shoulder.

"Dude, what happened there?" Tony said as he walked up to him.

Cap stayed silent and avoided his gaze while Tony stared straight at him. His jaw was clenched, but I didn't think anyone saw it due to being busy with Cap. Tony gave a stance that showed that he wanted an answer, and he didn't get one.

"We all know that you have problems right now, but I asked you back only because I knew that we needed you. Plus, I wanted to see you one last time. Despite the fact on what happened in the past, I wanted to see you because I cared about you. But, clearly, it seems that you're still holding it back." Tony said to him with disappointment.

He passed right by him and went upstairs into the laboratory with Dr. Banner, where they chatted and looked over the people down below which could be seen through the walls and parts of the floor made of glass. People went back to their conversation but still had their eyes on Captain Amerca. He went across the room and sat where the three women sat a few hours ago, sitting back and crossing his arms. I wanted to go over and talk to him, but people were so worried about the young woman that I wanted to see if I could do something.

"Well she can't stay up there forever," Widow said with her hands on hips. "Someone needs to go up there and check on her. Who knows what she could be up too."

Since no one answered, with an immediate response, I volunteered with eyes shocked that I was there.

"I would like to go," I said to the group of people around me.

Thor got up from his seat and walked up to me with a bit of trudging in his step, but it wasn't as noticeable. I could tell that something was wrong with him, but I wasn't quite sure on what it was.

He grabbed my shoulder and said, "Are you sure that you want to go?"

His eyes showed that he was worried about the whole situation, possibly because of that young woman.

"I am absolutely sure if it is alright with all of you," I said looking at him and the other people around the bar.

They all nodded, and Thor patted my shoulder showing his support.

"Alright. But please comfort her in the best way possible. And tell her that I said goodnight with pleasant dreams," was all that Thor said before walking off into the elevator.

While he walked over to the elevator, he passed by Captain America and waited for the elevator. They exchanged some words, Thor shook his head, and Thor got the last word in before stepping into the elevator. After observing Thor, and his reactions to the whole situation, I went up the stairs to go meet the young woman. After going up the black metal stairs that went up in a spiral, I went out the door to see blue flames on the edge of the building. But below that, was a woman in a beautiful figure sitting down with her hair floating to be the blue flames.

"Excuse me miss," I said while walking to her.

She looked over her shoulder, showing only half of her face, and furrowed both of her brows.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you down there with all of the others," She said wiping her face with her hand.

She turned back around as I stood next to her, looking at the moon that was now yellow and not as small as usual. The lights around us made the scene seem more quiet, peaceful even. That was probably why she wanted to come here.

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