Chapter 14

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Dedicated to @Wiggywiggy05 for wanting this update. I'm glad you like it so far! Here ya go! Hope you like it!


Sep 4th, 2018

I woke up the next morning, and I tried to turn off the alarm using my magic. I spun my finger around, and still heard the alarm. I spun my finger again and it still didn't work, making me get frustrated. I got tired of the constant beeping ringing in my ears, so I threw it across the room and chucked it at the wall. It was still beeping, so I sat up and used my energy rays to destroy the alarm. Beeping started to drown out and malfunction until it was completely fried.

"Stupid alarm. More like stupid magic. My magic should still be working! Nothings changed except... TONY!"


"So let me get this straight: Because my nuclear power is gone, my magic abilities are gone too?" I asked, getting tense in the process.

"Can anyone still believe that she yelled after only having a few hours of sleep?" Tony said to Dr. Banner as he was working on the scanner and its results.

"I can stay up for days or not eat a single bite, and I will still be alright. But that's not the point! Doctor, is it possible that I can lose my powers over time?" I asked nervously while I played with my fingers.

He typed some words and then pushed up his glasses. "No, but the operation did something to your nerves, making them a bit more like a humans but barely noticeable. Some react differently, others have been rearranged. This means that you are less likely to absorb powers like by touch, although it may happen again and you can control what powers to take in once you absorb one more power. But, I don't think it's affected any of your other powers," he said to me as he looked up.

I sighed with relief and relaxed as Tony shook his head at the answer I gave him not too long ago. I hopped off the table and thought for a moment.

"Doctor, are you sure that I won't lose my powers? Or are you sure that they won't evolve?"

He checked the computer again, typed and clicked, then took his glasses off.

"There may be a chance that some of your powers will change. But other than that no powers will be removed from your body entirely."

"What do you mean by 'entirely'?" I asked with a cocked brow.

"Some of your powers can be used, but they can't be used all the time. So it can leave your body but then come back. It has its seasons and patterns, so you will be notified on when you can use those specific powers."

"Alright. Thank you Doctor, and Mr. Stark."

I left the room and went into the training room that I was taken to after the first one. I went into the first one, almost sliding on the smooth marble floors, and went through the door that was on my left side to reveal a humongous and spacious room with the equipment put away. Nothing was there except the now red floors and big scenery of New York through the glass wall. I decided to get some weights out and tried to see if they had anything that was more than 5 tons. I was tired of looking through every single weight, so I just brought out everything and hoped for the best. I stood up and lifted each one, and for each one I took, it was a piece of cake lifting them.

"Geez Louise! You are one strong girl!" I heard someone say. I looked over to the door while I tossed the dumbbell I had into my other hand.

I saw a guy in a red and blue suit, with a mask over his head and web patterns all over his suit. Blue went along his torso, while the red stood out on the front of his chest and his abdomen. A black spider was also on his chest, leading on with red in front of both biceps and on his forearm. Black parts and shapes were on his arms and torso, making him look more slim and muscular. The blue takes on the biceps and his legs, leaving another red trace on his calves with the look of footwear.

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