Chapter 5: Jai

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Hey Guys, been a while since i updated. Hope you like the chapter.

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Chapter 5: (Jai)

Jai's POV

That's how our day progressed. Me, Luke, skip, James and Beau hanged out together. After a while, We decided to film another 2 Janoskians Q&A video for our fans. We answered like 40+ questions until James' stomach made the hugest sound ever, it roared as loud as a real lion.

By now You can probably guess what we did next.

Yes you guessed it! We ordered a pizza. We decided to order an extra large 'Veggie Feast' and 'Meat Deluxe' Pizza which the others finally convinced me to eat since I haven't eaten it for a very long time.

The last time I ate a veggie feast pizza was when I was with Ariana. I loved the way we used to snuggle up on the sofa with a movie and a extra large veggie feast pizza on our lap. Good Old times. Now we meet, everything is just not the same. She has 'Nathan' the (ugh I have millions of words to describe him) Well he stole my girl from me. No she found him after I broke up with her. Well actually after the Justin drama the fans played matchmaker and chose them. I don't blame them, they make a great couple. Possibly better than what me and Ariana could have been.

As I took a bite of Pizza, I looked up at Luke and Beau. A surge of power felt released in my body, leaving me feeling powerful, fearless.

After a few moments of deep thinking, I realised I'm over Ariana. She doesn't need me and I don't need her. I can still live life happily without her. I can find someone better than Ariana, way better. I know I can. It may take time, but It will be worth it.

"Guys, I need to get something of my mind. It may have taken me a very long time but..' I paused and took a deep breath.

'I realised I need to stop living in the past and getting depressed over something that isn't worth being depressed about. Ariana doesn't need me...'

I took another pause then added 'and I don't need her.'

After a long pause in which four pairs of beady eyes staring at me. It felt like performing at a school talent show when you're ten. The butterflies growing in your stomach. I knew what they wanted me to say so I decided to say it. 'Guys, I think Im over her' I said rather nervously.

I looked at Luke and saw something I was craving to see. Luke was smiling, he was actually smiling, not the smile I've seen lately, not the cold depressed fake one. The one I saw was a relieved, proud and sincere one.

He ran up to me and gave me a good old hug.

During out hug, Beau asked me 'Do you mean what you say? Is it one of those things again?' I looked at him. 'It isn't, I swear' and continued to embrace the bug. After that, one by one, everyone joined in, Skip, James and lastly older brother Beau.

James patted me on the back "Good work man! I'm so glad, Keep this up!"

I smiled, feeling a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

----------------------------Nearly three hours later-----------------------

We spent the next few hours watching 'Women in Black' Ariana's favourite movie. At the beginning it stung, just a tad but then when it got to the middle, I began to enjoy it like we were never together, like I never felt tall the pain, or the grief that was attempting to kill me. I was just a happy person.

We ordered some more food, this time Tacos and of course we got them delivered because getting them is just effort.

Suddenly the doorbell rang; I assumed it was the Delivery guy with our order. Noone was bothering to get up, Skip who was lying beside me, nudged me, as a way to tell me to go get the food. Despite being Reluctant to get up from my warm spot on the sofa, I grabbed the money of the table and jogged out of the living room, across the hallway, over to the door.

Opening the door, I never would thought it could be who it was. Was I hallucinating? Was this even real? I shook my head in complete and utter disbelief.

It was Ariana

Ariana's back!! How will Jai take it? Will he stay strong? Do they still have a future together?

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