Chapter 7

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Sup folks! I know it's really really been a loooong time. But I can explain, the reasons why I kind of stopped updating is because: my laptop broke. I try to write my chapter 7 on it, but unfortunately the little demon keep on shutting itself down. So, I don't have a choice but to throw it away since its from my mom which she used for like 6 years.... But luckily, I have my phone, and for how many months, I try to construct and edit my chapter on my little phone but it really wasn't helpful. It's super duper hard, and I still have exams so I was very busy and stress out. But please bare with me, summer vacation is just around the corner, I'm graduating (to junior high school) guys! So please bare with me... I also apologize for the grammar, cause my first language isn't English, and right now I'm learning my fifth language... So just imagine my poor brain... Anyhow, I love you all and if you like this chapter give it a star... Please, vote for it... It helps A LOT... And don't forget to comment, you can comment my grammar mistakes or just comment about what's wrong with it and why you like... Things like that... Just comment, but don't be rude... PPS: I also would love to thank all the silent readers, even though you don't vote, thanks anyways. At least I know someone is reading it, right? Nah, this has been a long authors note, maybe you read it, and thanks... But I'm sorry if I was blabbing.... Here's chapter 7!



To be honest, I can not bring myself to say sorry in front of many people. Especially when I already memorized my long speech but when all the head snap at you and all eyes are staring at you. Its like, all you wish is for earth to swallow you mercilessly. But the plan of apologizing to everyone somehow end up me only apologizing to Patsy and Fred. They forgave me ofcourse, since they are more open minded folks than my parents. They knew that if a fight between Adam and I have occur its our responsibility to fix it and not theirs which I agree a lot. So, luckily, I end up apologizing with Patsy and Fred ONLY.

And right now, I am in the kitchen trying to wash the glass and plates that the Levine's have just eaten. Patsy told me not to do it, but since I insisted and was the first person to run here in the kitchen... She agreed. Now, I am not that kind of person who ask other people if I can help through house hold chores. I am just force to do this because I was so uncomfortable in the dining room. Why? Well, its how my mother just shoot dangerous daggers-- I mean very dangerous and venomous daggers on me. Everytime I ask for something or I poke some chicken or anything on a plate, she always turn her head on my direction and just shoot me some message that I didn't even know what the fucking meaning is.

So here I am, washing the dishes like the Disney Princess, Snow White. While scrubbing the plates and glasses, I heard the door swung open which cause me to look at the door's direction. But since I am a very wreckless person at handling things such as glass and plates, I drop it on the sink. Causing it to produce a shattering sound of a glass.


You are so dead right now, Jasmine.

Adam is there, standing near the door staring at me as if I just dropped a huge bomb. "You know you should stop popping out of nowhere. Or what so ever." Yeah, cause the last time he made me jump, was the time where I kicked his manhood, and now their very expensive glass.

"Are you okay?" He ask me, but even though I am not good at the thought of cleaning a broken glass all I replied was: "yeah, I'm good." I started cleaning the broken pieces collecting the broken glasses carefully. While Adam took a glass and filled it with water. He drank it all in one gulp. He lean against the counter while I am currently busy gathering the pieces. When I place the first batch of broken glass on the trash can, I felt a sharp pain in my palm. A red liquid, a lot of red liquid suddenly spread around my palm which cause me to panick.

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