Chapter 1:

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Adam POV:

I went to band practice. We were a rock band of which I was a guitarist. That's how I met Ava. She was watching my gig at a bar we were performing at. We were looking to be signed and had a few interested labels. After practice I went home to grab some fresh clothes. I had a notice on my door. The building I stayed in was being evicted due to foreclosure. Shit. Finding an apartment in this city was impossible, especially for the price I was paying.

I grabbed some clothes and headed to Ava's. She buzzed me in and I ran up the stairs. She greeted me at the door with a peck on the cheek. "Hey babe." I plonked down on the couch and she sat down next to me and threw her legs over mine. I told her about the foreclosure and she was sympathetic but then got a glint in her eye. "I have an idea! You can move in here." I swivelled to look at her at break neck speed. "Whoa, um Ava, baby. I thought we were taking things slow, now you wanna live together?" I raised my eyebrow at her. She burst out laughing. "No, dummy! I was going to tell you later but I may as well now. I'm going backpacking through Europe. A birthday present from daddy. He's hoping if I get all my rebelliousness out I can land my investment lawyer husband and start popping out grandkids. You can stay with Stevie until I get back."

"Would Stevie even want to live with me? I mean we're not like friends or anything. Wouldn't it be awkward?" I fidgeted with my hands. I wasn't sure about this arrangement but it seemed like my only option. This offer wasn't gonna come around again. At this point Stevie came in the door. He was wearing a vest and was all sweaty from the gym. "Hey guys!" Ava asked him to sit down. "I'm just gonna have a quick shower. Give me five minutes. We watched E! News while we waited for him. He came out in pyjama pants and no shirt. Adam coughed strangely. "So guys, what's up?" Ava explained the whole prospect to him and he had no problem with it. He told me that he wasn't nearly as flamboyant as he often put on. That he was just ribbing me to get a reaction and he would tone it down. I was relieved at this. I had a feeling this would work out fine.

About a week later I had packed what few possessions I had and moved in with Stevie. Luckily Ava being so chilled didn't have an overly girlie room. There were hints of femininity but not overly so, I didn't have to make any changes. Stevie effortlessly helped me haul boxes up the stairs. Stevie was a personal trainer but he was also an aspiring artist. He said he was pushing weights till he could push his art. He was actually a pretty cool dude. I'd spent the last few days getting to know him a bit seeing as we'd be living together. I saw that he was a pretty down to earth guy.

Ava had left the night before taking a cab to the airport. She didn't want some soppy goodbye. When I asked her about us she said while she was gone to do as I pleased. She didn't want me waiting around and if she found a hook up she didn't want to question it either. I was pretty winded from the up and down of the stairs and Stevie hadn't even broken a sweat. "Dude, I'm fucked. I'm going to have to get a few sessions from you." He laughed. "Sure, I'll get you in tomorrow if you're not busy." I agreed. "So wanna order a pizza and some brewski's?" I said sure. I saw that Rambo was on and asked if Stevie would mind if I watched it. "Sure, care if I join?" I looked at him. "You'd wanna watch Rambo?" He smiled. "You know Adam, we're not all Bette Midler and Streisand marathon watching, theatre going queens. I'm just a normal dude." I shrugged and apologised. The pizza came and I paid. Stevie cracked open the beers and I saw his muscle flex. I gulped and averted my eyes to the screen. We watched in silence and I felt my eyes get heavy. I felt the bottle being pulled from my hand and a blanket getting thrown over me. My eyes popped open to see Stevie covering me. I sat up straight. "Hey sleeping beauty. Seeing as you're up you should go to bed." I nodded and cleared my throat. I looked back at him. He was folding the blanket. "Stevie." He turned and looked at me. "Thanks for tonight. G'night." He gave me a shy smile. "Night Adam."

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