Chapter 6:

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"You were my first real love, James. I would have done anything for you." He searches my eyes and I see the hurt in his. He reaches over and places his hand on top of mine. His hand is soft and delicate compared to mine. I squeeze his hand. "I had no just disappeared. It took me months to get over it. I was holed up in my room. I came out to my mom which was a good thing. It allowed me to be myself. I did have the few odd people who didn't accept it, some of the guys on the soccer team, but mostly people didn't care. I'm only sorry you've had to hide it for so long." He was stroking my hand with his thumb. I pulled my hand away not believing I was casually holding another man's hand in public. What had gotten into me? "James, I understand if you don't wanna help me. I mean, we haven't spoken in so long and I never called you to explain. If you hate me, I get that too." He lifted my chin so my eyes met his. "I don't hate you Adam. If anything I'm grateful to you. You were my first love too. What you brought out in me, I experienced true love for the first time, yes I was hurt but I had to move on and thinking that you had just up and left and with your father telling me that you didn't want to talk to me made it a bit easier. Had I known the truth I would've fought a bit harder." 

I took another sip of my coffee. "I live around the corner. Stevie's there right now... if you wanna meet him." I blushed profusely. "Sure, I'd love to meet the man who can make you blush like that!" he laughed and we walked up the  stairs to the apartment. Stevie was relaxing on the couch and stood up when I walked in. "So, how'd it go?" I walked in with James following. I introduced them and they shook hands. I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between them. Stevie was short and well-built. He had short cropped hair on the sides and a bit longer on the top. He had deep brown eyes and a strong, square jaw. James was almost too beautiful for a boy. He was tall and lanky with sandy blonde hair and looked like a surfer. He had the two different colored eyes which I still found sexy as hell. He was tanned and had full lips. They couldn't be more different. They stood awkwardly staring back at me. I realized I was just gawking at the two of them. 

We sat and I explained how Stevie and I had come to be together and the dilemma of Ava being away and Stevie being my girlfriend's best friend. I said I was going to need a lot of advice if this was going to be my coming out, already in a relationship. James was kind and patient and just the man I remembered him to be and the reason I had fallen for him. He suggested tackling Ava first. After that I would come out to the band, then the biggest parents. Stevie and James got along well. I was pleased. They sat on the couch while I called Ava. It was a long intense chat, she was not upset. She had told me that she had suspected and that was why she didn't rush into it with me. Having lived with Stevie so long she knew he had the hots for me. That was the reason she made us live together. She wanted Stevie to be happy. She also had news for me. She had met a Spaniard on her travels and had fallen madly in love. She wasn't sure if she would be coming back any time soon and I could live with Stevie indefinitely. I grinned happily. I got off the call and informed them. Stevie got up and hugged me. He kissed me on my forehead and I was so aware of James in the room that I blushed bright red. "Hey, don't mind me. I'm just happy that you're happy."

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