A change of heart.

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I usually sit with my friends and Niall joins us later but today. Harry joined us and sat right int he spot Niall usually sits. I was satisfied, but my friends were confused and getting suspicious.

"Hey, aren't you Harry Styles from Home Room?"

My best friend Ella asks looking at Harry.

"Uh, yeah. Oh hey. You're Ella!"

They both smile and begin, what seems like a SUPER LONG conversation. One of my other besties Elizabeth (Or Liz) walks up to our table with her tray. Harry was in the middle of his sentence when he noticed her and nearly choked on air.

"Hey guys."

Liz said smiling. She sat down next to me, and dropping her tray on the table causing her small cup thing of salad dressing to fly into Harry's face.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry."

Liz rushed over to him with her giant handful of napkins. She wipes it of his face, then quickly runs out of the lunch room to wet some of the paler towel. Harry stares dreamiy into space.

"Oh my God Kelly!! Harry likes.."

Before Ella could finish Harry slapped his hand onto her mouth, and glared at her. When he took his hand off the glared back.

"What the HELL!!, Kelly I dint like him can he sit osmewhete else?!"

She exclaimed

"No Ella, he's staying. Now who was it he likes?"

I say looking up from my food.

"He likes..."

"Oh my god don't tell the world!!"

Harry exclaimes. Ella glares at him.

"She's right in front of you. No need to tell everyone in the lunch room!"

She flicks her hair in his face.


She leans in and whispers.

"Harry likes Liz!!"

I'm leaned in to listen to get and my whole body goes stiff. I can't seem to move my body is in shock.

"Kelly, that's it you can sit now... Kelly?"

I slowly lower myself onto the seat.

"How do you know?"

I mumble. She looks at me funny.

"Haven't you seen the way he stared at her when she..."

Ella pause as Liz ran back with her wet paper towels.

"So, sorry. I didn't realize how far the water fountain was and I got a lecture from Mrs. Docatz about History and I don't even take history with her..."

Liz walks over to Harry.

"Close you eyes."

She says, he does. She begins cleaning his face softly, careful not to press to hard and hurt him. A few minutes later, she walks away to throw the salad dressing covered paper towel away and Harry just watched her.


Ella whispered to me, pointing at Harry. His eyes held a hopeful sparkle. He looked like Heaven had sent him and Angel. He didn't look at me like that. Maybe Harry wasn't better. Liz returned and sat next to me.

"Sorry again about that."

She said embarrassed.

"No, no don't worry about it."

Harry replied. That was the first time he talked since Liz arrived at our table.

"No really. I owe you for that."

Liz pleaded.

"No, no come on, it was an accident."

Liz smile slightly.

"I know but still..."


He said looking into her eyes. She looked into his.

"Let's forget it ever happened, okay?"

He asked her smiling.


She replied as if she were giving in.

I looked at Harry as he began eating his lunch. He loomed a Liz every chance she could and she did the same. But whenever their eyes met, they looked away and pretended like they weren't looking at each other. It was cute, but I was jealous. I saw him first and Niall is out of the picture now, so she chat have him.

"Hey Liz can you come to the bathroom with me?"

I asked innocently.

"uh, sure."

She replied. She stood up. I grabbed her hand and I basically dragged her to the bathroom. Once we were on there I let her have it.

"Keep hour eyes off of Harry you little slut!!"

I exclaim. She loons at me shocked.

"Kelly! For one what the Hell and two you like Niall. Since win had that changed?"

I looked at her as if he should know.

"Since Niall lead me on. Now I can't loose Harry he's my only chance!!"

She looks at me like I'm some sort of alien.

"Your only chance at what?!"

She exclaimes.


I yell. Relazing how stupid I sounded but not taking it back.

"How about poising a friend!"

She yells, storming out of the bathroom.

"What have I done.."

I says worriedly. I rush through the door and down the hall. She's already halfway to the lunch room win I see her.

"Liz wait!"

I exclaim. She sees me and rubs faster Ito the lunch room and disappears.


I mumble, racing down the hall and throughout the doors. At the lunch table.

"Hey Liz, right? Are you okay?"

Harry asks looking at her worried.

"I'm not supposed to talk to you."

She replies.

"Why not?"

He asks. Both him and Ella look at her confused.

"Ask Kelly, because I have no Fricken clue!!"

She exclaimes, storming passed me as I reach the table. She's grabbed her bag and text books and left by the time I take a breather and turn around. I look back at Hary and Ella and they're both glaring at me.


I exclaim.

"What the Hell did you do to her Kelly?!"

Harry exclaimes, grabbing his things and jogging after Liz.

"Kelly. Did you freak out at her because you're jealous?"

Ella asks me honestly.


I mumble.

"Oh god Kelly!! This is how we lost Jessica!!."

Ella says flailing her hands in the air.

"Oh don't you be giving me shit now too Ella, I'm getting enough of it from everyone else!!"

I exclaim, grabbing my stuff and storming out, Ella close behind me.

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