Forgiveness, Friendship and, A New Boy?

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Will you audition with me?"

That's the last thing I said before Natilie froze. I'm not sure if It was the fact that I had asked her at all or the fact that I even thought about asking her that set her into a frozen state.

"Natilie, you have a beautiful voice and I know we can get far in the whole game thing but I don't think i can do it without you. Plus if you say yes I have the perfect song for us."

I smile a little waiting for her response. She finally shakes her head.

"Harry! You know I have major stage fright. There's no way I can get onstage not infront of thousands of people!"

I smile.

"That' the point Natilie! This could be the moment you finally overcome that fear! And that's why I'm gonna be on that stage with you. Helping you. Natilie, i will always be here to support you."

I look at her, her shimmering eyes filled with fear and worry, the worry slowly fades but the fear burns brighter in her eyes. A tear slips down her cheek.

"I'm sorry harry, I... I just can't!" 

Natilile brushes past me and speed wwalks down the hall, back towards the lunch room.


I chase after her.

Natilie's P.O.V.

I can't beieve it. Harry asked me to audition with him! That's been my dream since I was 5 but ever since the accident with Kelly and that man... After that, I thought I'd never sing again. But the knife to my leg didn't effect my voice at all. But I still didn't think about it. I was terrified from that incedent that I never thought I'd do anything again. But, I'm at school happy and healthy to this day, with only a scar. A BIG scar. Before I know it I'm running, then falling. 

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"

A farmiliar voice booms above me. I look up and grab the hand gestured out to me, and stand up.

"Uh yeah, thanks. Who are you?"

I look at this boy, taller then me medium toned brown hair, brown eyes. Cute, but I'm with Harry >.< Or at least I think so... And his smile could attracked ever girl that ever lived, just like Harry.

"I'm Liam."

He says smiling. I smile as well.

"I'm Natilie."

He looks down shyly.

"I'm new, could you, show me around?"

I grin in delight.

"Liam, I would love to show you around."

I reply. 

"Follow me."

I beam and he follows, I show him around the entire school and the bell rings at the perfect moment.

"Well Liam. That's just about it. What's your first class?" 

He looks at me.

"History today. You?"

I smile.


We both smile and I walk him to history.

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