A battle, true love reunited and heart break.

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Kelly's p.o.v.

I stand there in shock.

"I'm sorry.."

She whispers, looking down at her arm, tears slide down her cheeks. I race ou of the room and I can feel her heart sink. Tears fill my eyes as I run down the hall. As I'm running I run into Liam.

"Kelly? Have you seen... Are you okay?"

He asks, his voice worried.


I manage to say. I lean against the wall and slowly slide down, my head lands on my knees as I wrap my arms around them. Liam stares at me, terror on his eyes. He races down the hall.

Liam's p.o.v.

I run down the hall as fast as I can until I hear crying and I freeze in my tracks. I slowly male my way around the corner to a door where the crying is coming from. I slip inside swiftly and see Natilie sitting on the bed holding her wrist. Blood seeping through her fingers.

"Oh my god Natilie?!"

I run over to her and wrap my arms around her.

"Natilie what's going on?"

I ask, stil holding her close. She slowly removes her hand from her wrist and I see cuts.

"Natilie... Why?"

I whisper. She sits there, staring at her arm in shame.

"Because I'm a heart breaker..."

She says, her voice cracking. I shake my head.

"You're beautiful. I know it. Harry knows it. We all know it. And Harry will love on."

I say, trying to smile. She doesn't move.

"Harry was so loyal. And loving. He didn't deserve what I did to him..."

She says softly. I grab the brown sheet that wa folded on the bed an wrapped it around her wrist.

"You're right. But you shouldn't feel bad. You can't live with someone you don't love. He will thank you someday. You'll thank yourself."

She smiles slightly. I smile.

"See I made you smile. You're getting better already. But my girl. This is never the answer."

I say lightly squeezing the sheet on her wrist. She nods.

"Do you know why I left him?"

She whispers. I shake my head.


I reply.

"Because I love you. And the reason I did this is because he's going to come after you if he sees us together."

My eyes widen.


I cough.

"Then we'll cross the bridge when we get to it."

I say confidently. I see her smile. She look up at me. I smile. She looks back down at her wrist and I rest my head on hers, my arms around her.

"I love you Natilie."

I whisper. she shrugs, as if unsure if she should say it back.

"I only want you to do what feels right. Because I know doing this seems so wrong, but so right. Just go with your heart and your gut, if they tells you two different things, wait until the nagotiate. They'll come up with the right answer eventually."

I say pulling away.

" I want you to do what you think is best for you."

I add. Pulling back. I look at her, she nods and sniffles. I take my pull my arms away and rub one of my hands once slowly down herr arm, a half look on my face. I stand up and walk toward the door.

"Thank you Liam."

I hear her say. I can feel the warmth of her smile from where I stand. Still facing the door, I smile and nod, and slowly leave the room closing the door quietly behind me.

As I take a few steps down the hall someone throws me against the wall and pins me there. Shocked I shake my head and see dark brown curly locks, hanging over Bright green blood shot eyes.


I mumble. His breath heavy he stares at me.

"It's you isn't it?!"

He says through gritted teeth.

"Wha, what's me?"

I stutter, not sure what he's after.

"You're the reason Natilie broke up with me!!"

He screams. I am completely shocked. I can now see clearly that he's been crying. His eyes burning with not only jealousy, but the flames in his eyes shone with pain, burning into my soul.

"Harry I..."

Before I can say anything he pulls me by my arms away from the wall then quickly slams me back into it. Pain shoots through my right shoulder.

"How could you?! I was about to ask her to be my wife!! And you have to come along you filthy bastard!!"

He screams, now very close to my face, to close for comfort.

"Harry I'm so, so sorry I never knew your plans I didn't mean you any harm!"

I try to explain. before either of us cold say another word, we both turn our heads to the way I came and see Natilie staring at us.

"Harry... You we're going to propose?"

She asks. He lets go of me and stares at her. After a few moments, he apprehensively nods. She exhales hard.

"Harry. When I said I couldn't be with you, I meant I needed to get my head out of my ass and actually think for once. I still love you and I never said I liked anyone else or anything of that sort to anyone. But if you still want me. After the pain I've clearly caused you..."

She gestures towards him.

"I would be so honored to be your wife."

Harry stands there and stares at her for a few minutes. I do the same. I can see her emotion change from completely serious, to nervous. She begins to tap her foot. I look over at Harry and he slowly begins to walk toward her. I brace myself for what could happen and he picks up the pace. Before I know it, he runs down the hall to her and pulls her into a hug. Her expression is shocked but she doesn't stop him. She wraps her arms around him as well and squeezes tight. I knew it was better this way. All I can do is stand there and smile. But on the inside. My hear shattered.

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