Stress, Misunderstanding and Love!!

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Liz's P.O.V.

I run down the hall way, my eyes filling slowly with tears. Why does Kelly care so uch about boys all of a sudden? I mean just because Niall's taken now doesn't mean he'll be with Meghan forever!!

"Liz, Liz!!"

Harry's voice travels behind me. I stop and turn to see him running to me.

"Liz are you alright?" 

He asks, honesty gleaming in his eyes.

"What did Kelly do to you? I can tell you did no wrong. You don't ook guilty."

He says breathing heavily.


I mumble.

"She didn't do anything. I'm over reacting..."

He looks at me confused.

"Liz you don't look like the kind of girl to over react.."

He says raising an eyebrow.

"You'd be suprised."

I say. A half smile appears then quickly disappears on my face.

"Liz. If it isn't to much to ask, please tell me what's going on..."

He puts his hands in his pockets and looks up and me seriously.

"Well... I don't know..."

I reply shyly. Knowing that if I do tell him, there's a possiblity that I can never regain my friendship with Kelly.


Harry looks at me, his hazel, green eyes sparkle in the bright lights. I look down. I want to tell him, I do. But Kelly is one of my best friends and yeah, we have fights but all friends do. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"I don't want to start drama, but I trust you."

I finally say. He looks at me and nods, as if he understands.

"Wher do I begin..."

I say. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back. I just can't resist those eyes.

"Well where did this, kerfufl start?"

He asks. I giggle.


I ask, with a chuckle.

"I don't know. This fight. What did she do to make you mad, or what did you do that you think set her off?" 

He explains.

"Oh okay. Well... I guess she saw the way you looked at me or something.  And she pulled me aside and said, "Don't you dare flirt with Harry! He's my only chance do date!" Or something stupid like that. And that's what set me off. I didn't understand why out of the blue she cared about dating and boys and that kind of thing."

He looks at me, and nods every-now-and-then, looking down at his shoes then looking at me as I finish.

"Well. Seems like she's intrested."

He says winking at me. I laugh.

"Well I mean look at you! You're an amazing person and your voice! Don't make me ramble on about that! You are incredibly talented Harry. I wouldn't be suprised if every girl in New York fell for you."

I smile. He chuckles.

"Well there's only one girl that I'm trying to make fall for me but, I don't think she's intrested."

He smiles. I look a little confused.

"Why wouldn't she? I mean you're basically the cutest guy in school, not to mention popular."

I exclaim.

"Thanks but, it's hard enough that she doesn't see me that way. I've tried so hard but I can never bring myself to ask her out. Or any kind of serious thing like that. I'm to chicken."

 He looks down with a disapointed expression. 

"Well I'm sure she's intrested."

He looks up at me. I smile.

"You really think so?"

He says moving closer to me.

"I'm don't think so, I know so."

I smile, he moves closer. His head is now over mine.

"You know so hey?"

He smiles moving closer to my lips.

"Absolutly positive."

I smile. He kisses me softly and I kiss back. We both pull away and smile.

"She's 100% intrested."

I say a big smile on my face.

"Thank god."

He says a huge smile plastered across his face.


He looks at me seriously.


I reply smiling.

"Will you be my girl friend?"

I smile brightly as tears of joy slip down my cheeks.


I exclaim. He smiles.

"Perfect. Just like you."

He smiles and kisses me again.


I say pulling away.

"Why me?"

I asks loking at him honestly.

"Why not you?" 

He asks looking at me confused. I smile and hug him.

"I don't know."

I mumble. He smiles and rests his chin on mine.

"Liz. I have another question."

He says. I pull away and look into his eyes.

"What is it Baby?"

He smiles.

"Well, the X-Factor auditions are on Saturday and I'm not sure if I should go.."

I look at him stunned.

"Harry!! This is your dream! Go for it. I don't know about anyone else, but I want you to go."

I smile, my eyes gleaming.

"You really think so?"

I look at him as if he's crazy.

"Harry, of course I think so!!"

He smiles.

"One more thing."

I look at him and wait.

"Will you audition with me?"

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