Chapter 10

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Okay, first of all, thank you so much for over 500 reads!!! It's really, really big for me. I never thought that anyone wanted to read this fanfic. You're all welcome to leave comments or suggestions to what I should add in the next chapters. Please don't be a silent reader. 
Let's begin the story.

Chapter 10

//Luke's POV//

"Okay. Skylar will be here any moment. Please don't do anything stupid." I say. Why am I so nervous? I saw her yesterday, so what's the difference?

"Don't worry Lukey, we won't embarrass you in front of you of your girlfriend." Calum says with a smirk, before taking a sip of his beer. It's not even legal for him to drink in the US yet, but he still does it.

"Would you stop drinking? You're not even legal." I snort.

"But I am." Ashton smiles and takes the beer out of Calum's hand. 

As Ashton and Calum starts 'fighting', I hear a knock on the door indicating that Skylar's here.

"Guys shut up, she's here!" I yell, finally getting the others to stay quiet. I take a deep breath and go to the door to open it. I open the door, and on the porch stand a beautiful looking Skylar, with white, high waisted shorts with a brown leather belt, a striped top and a white and blue flannel, similar to the one I'm wearing at the moment. From her neck hangs a long necklace with a triangle type thing at the end and her hair is up in a messy bun. 

She clears her throat and looks at me questionable. I blush as I realize that I was staring.

"Ehm.. Hey Sky. You look beautiful." I say, my eyes widening, "Not that you don't do that each time I see you, or everyday." I try to correct. Why am I this nervous? I relax a bit as you giggles and pull me into a hug.

"Thank you Luke." She says, almost in a whisper. We pull away and take her hand to lead her into the living room where everyone is waiting.

"So, you remember how I told you that I have some special people I want you to meet, right?" I ask and she nods. "Well, they're in the living room right now, waiting for you." I smile

As we arrive in the livingroom, we're met with 7 pairs of eyes looking at us and our combined hands. I quickly let go, blushing a bit.

"Well, you know the boys, but I would like to introduce you to Niall, Liam, Louis and last but not least, Harry." I smile, looking between Skylar and the boys. "These boys have practically made me to who I am today."

//Skylar's POV//

"Well, you know the boys, but I would like to introduce you to Niall, Liam, Louis and last but not least, Harry." Luke smiles, looking between me and the boys. "These boys have practically made me to who I am today."

I quickly scan the boys, knowing who they are, I mean, who doesn't know One Direction? As I scan them, I make eye contact with Harry, and I just stop. We just keep staring into each others eyes for god knows how long, not a single word being said. I know the others notice because they you look between us confused.

I finally look away, blushing and clear my throat.

"I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself. I'm Skylar." I smile at them, especially at Harry. I don't know what is happening. Why am I feeling like this? I feel all giddy and nervous. 

I quickly realize that nobody has said anything after I introduced myself, there're still just looking between Harry and I. I look at Luke and he looks kinda hurt, I think. I don't know. I'm not good at reading people's expressions based on their mood.

Finally, Ashton decides to speak up.

"Well, instead of this being awkward, how about we turn on the PlayStation and find some beers, just to lighten up the mood." He smiles already standing up to go to the kitchen and collect the beers.

"Skylar, could you help me?" He ask me, looking at me, his look saying 'We-have-to-talk'. I nod and follow him into the kitchen.

"What the fuck was that?" He asks as we reach the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out the beers.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say quietly and look down.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about little miss Flirt-with-Harry-and-ignore-everyone-else. Did you even see the look on Luke's face? He looked devastated!" Ashton raises his voice a bit, but not enough for the guys to hear us.

"Devastated? Why should he be that?" I ask daft.

"You're so oblivious." He sighs and I look down.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, tears threatening to spill.

"Hey, don't be sorry. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. Let's just go in to the others and have some fun, okay?" I nod and we fill our arms with beer, placing them on the table as we reach the living room where the boys already are playing FIFA on the PlayStation. As they see us with the beers, they immediately pause the game to grab one. I shake me head at their greed, not understanding what's so good about beer. I scan the room to fin a place to sit and my eyes quickly see the empty spot next to Harry. He looks up from the game and at me and pats the spot next to him. As he does that, Luke does the exact same thing but to the spot next to him. My gaze flicker between the two but I end up sitting next to Harry. I don't know what got me to do it but I'm happy with the decision.

"Hey." Harry say enthusiastically as I take a seat.

"Hey," I smile, "Are you having fun?" I ask fiddling with the ring on my finger. It was my grandma's and I only take it of while playing football or swimming.

"With these lads, always. I mean, there's beer, FIFA and good company." He says winking at me. I, of course, blush as he lets out a laugh, looking back at the screen. I look down at my hands, still fiddling with the ring. It's a little bit boring actually. You would think just being around the boys was fun, but if you're just watching, it isn't.

"Guys, can we please do something else? It's kinda boring just watching." I sigh. Harry looks at me and agrees, and that, I'm glad for.

"Sure, but what should we do then?" Calum asks, turning of the PlayStation.

"How about 'Never have I ever'? It's actually really fun and that way we can get to know Skylar better." Louis says, taking a sip of his beer. Everyone agrees and we get ready to play.

"I hope everyone knows the game, but if not here's some rules. We take turns saying 'Never have I ever blank'. IF you've done it, you take a drink, so we have to get something for you Skylar." Ashton tells us.

"Oh no, I'm fine with water, thanks." I say, smiling nervously.

"Nope. Not happening. If you don't like beer, you can get something else then, but it has to be alcohol." The others agree. I sigh and walk out to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of Smirnoff Green Apple Twist and some shot glasses. I sit back in the couch next to Harry and pour the first shot up.

"Who starts?" I ask, looking at the boys, indicating that it shouldn't be me.

"Oh, oh me!" Niall speaks up. We nod and get ready with our drinks.

"Okay, never have I ever..." 

This is gonna go so terribly wrong

New chapter!!!

Hope y'all liked it. Pleas comment and vote and follow me to get notified every new update!

Again, thank you all for over 500 reads. I love you all.


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