Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Skylar wake up." A deep voice wakes me but I keep my eyes shut.

"5 more minutes." I mumble and turn my back to the voice.

"Can't do that Love." He chuckles, trying to wake me by kissing my neck.

"Noooo. I don't want to." I moan, burying my face in the pillow. My head is killing me and my body hurts. I guess that's what I get for drinking...

"Well, I guess there's only one thing to do then." I can hear the smirk in his voice, which scares me a bit.

"What are yo- HARRY!!" I scream as he starts tickling me. That bastard! My screams and laughter fills the room as I try to wriggle out of his grip.

"HARRY STOP! PLEASE!" I scream, laughing.

"Not until you'll get up." He says calmly, still tickling me.

"But I don't want to! It hurts!" I scream, finally escaping his grip but falling out of the bed.

"Are you okay Sky?" Harry chuckles as I start to cry.

"It hurts." I whisper with tears running down my face. I feel Harry's presence next to me and his hand quickly starts rubbing my back as I fell face first to the ground.

"Can you tell me what hurts Love?" He asks me concerned as he tries to pick me up.

"Everything." I mumble as I bury my face into his chest when he finally gets me up from the ground.

"Hungover?" He chuckles and I just nod, not wanting to talk more than necessary.

"Come here." He says and picks me up so I'm clinging to him like a koala. He even picks up a blanket and wraps it around me. As he walks downstairs, I bury my face in his neck, trying to block out all the noises.

"Please Harry, I just want to sleep." I mumble against his neck leaving small kisses. I remember last night clearly, so of course I remember Harry and I kissing a couple of times, maybe even snogging a bit, also falling asleep in his arms. Everything yesterday was just perfect. Then of course there was the episode with Luke. That wasn't so perfect, I'll admit that, but he actually hurt my feelings. He made me sound like a slut who just used him to meet the 1D boys, which of course isn't true. To be honest, I didn't even need Luke to meet the boys. I mean, my dad is Edward Beckham. He could easily had set up a meeting with Louis but I hate to use others fame and money to get what I want. Wow, I don't know how to phrase this without making me sound like a bitch. Any way, what I'm saying is that I could never use a person, no matter who it is. Luke has become my best friend the last couple of months and it hurts to know that he thinks about me that way. I could never lose him. He already knows a lot more about me than Brandon ever did.

"Morning boys." Harry's deep voice rings through my ears as he brings me out of my thoughts.

"Morning Haz, morning Sky. What happened to you?" The boy's chuckle.

"Shut up!" I mumble, burying my face deeper into Harry's neck if that's even possible. I really don't think it is but oh well.

"What crawled up your butt?" Louis laughs.

"Probably Harry's dick." Niall butts in as the boys burst out laughing, except Louis and Luke who look down sad and even a little pissed.

"Screw you guys!" I yell, struggling to get out of Harry's grip but he just keeps me in place.

"Harry please let me go." I say but he refuses and tightens his grip around me. I look around and my eyes immediately find Luke's, whose eyes widen as though he realizes something.

DM'ed||Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now