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My name is Jordan Michael, and I have no idea what my future has in store. When I was born, I didn't even meet my parents. They were both demigods. Demigods are people who are half God, half mortal. You are probably thinking, why would two children of God have a kid? Well, if you are thinking of the father of Jesus, you are wrong. I am talking about the Greek gods, and yes they do exist. Jesus was a son of Poseidon, why do you think he could walk on water? The wine thing was just a illusion, and the reason why he made a new religion was because he was mad at the gods.

A big war happened because people were mad at the gods. It was called the Titan war. The prophecy says that a child of the big three, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, would save or destroy Olympus. This child's name is Percy Jackson, my uncle. Yes, my grandfather is Poseidon. I have no idea who my other grandfather or grandmother is yet. What happened was my mom left by the Poseidon cabin door. That's how you can tell I was part Poseidon. Not only that, but I will tell you about that later. My father died from who knows what, its weird. No one knew who my mom was. She didn't go to camp because she was afraid people would look at her as an outcast.

Percy is the one who found me by the door. The first thing he did was take me to Annabeth and they agreed to take care of me. I was actually born four years after the war. During the war I guess my father was from the past. Don't worry, you will learn more about that later. Anyways, he was twenty and so was Annabeth. Annabeth is a daughter of Athena and, of course, Percy's wife.

Apparently, they both known who my mother was, but they won't tell me. I don't know why, but they say they will tell me when the time comes. I can't tell you much about her yet because of this. Hopefully something will come up. I guess they don't take me to camp because of my mom. Again, I do not know why. I am also home schooled so I don't really know how to interact with people.

They did have a kid though, and they go to school and everything. When I ask them why they can go to school, they say when the time comes. Whenever I ask them what the next great prophecy is, they just ignore me. I have no idea why, I doubt the next prophecy will be this soon, but I think its because they don't want to scare me. My brothers name is Luke and is mostly Athena. He can make currents but thats pretty much it.

I can do that but with a stronger current, I can make giant waves to my command, I can talk to sea creatures and horses, I can make water levitate in mid air, and ect. I still can not tell who my mother is though. I don't care what she is, as long as I know. I hope I will meet her soon, but everything is about to change Percy said, I don't know what that means but hopefully I will meet my mom, if she is alive.

Anyways, lets get this going shall we? I woke up to the sound of yelling.

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