Chapter 4: The Dreams

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Know the song where they say, "It was only just a dream." If not, that sucks. Its a good song. If you do, then you know whats going on. This was not a dream. This was real.

The dream started with me fighting off this guy who looked like Psi from Duck Dynasty, but he looked tougher, he didn't have glasses, and he was carrying a double sided sword, and in the middle was a rod that had....lightning? Yeah, it was lightning on the inside.

Behind buff Psi, was a wooden cage. It had someone inside it but I couldn't tell who. Actually, scratch that, there were TWO people inside it. Still can't tell who. There was Andrew, the one guy who showed Luke around. He had fire in his hands and he was trying to burn the wood. Wait, he was a child of Athena, how could he control fire? Next to him was that Olivia girl, God she was beautiful. It looked like she was trying to talk to the wooden cage though. It seemed like she was trying to get it to open up.

I looked in my hand and I was kinda confused. I was holding a Trident. It looked like one of those cliche tridents. It had the three points sticking up of course, and it was a gold. It wasn't celestial bronze, I think they call it imperial gold. Right as buff Psy was about to hit me, I presses a button where I was holding it and it turned into a Stygian iron sword. I blocked at the last second and I pushed him away. I press another button and It turned into a double sided sword/trident. One side was a trident, and the other sword. Just wanted to say that for clarification. Half of it, vertically, was Stygian iron, and the other Imperial gold. The reason why I was confused, It said "Riptide 2" on it.

I don't even know where we are.


I figured I would have the same nightmare of Eziko, but this time the dream was different.

Me, the super famous Jackson kid was with us, I think his name was Michael, and Olivia, that daughter of a son of Zeus and daughter of a daughter of Aphrodite. I know there is another way to say she is a daughter of- well you know. I don't know what we were doing, but I think we were looking at Pikes peak in Colorado. Behind us were some metal wings that looked destroyed. It looks like it was electrocuted and its all burned up. Why we were there, I have no clue.

The thing is with Demigod dreams, they are usually true, or they are going to be true. Usually. I was watching us look at the mountain also, which is kinda weird. Its like watching myself in third person view.

I watch myself ask, "So Jordan, how are we going to get all the way up there?" I pointed at the top of the peak. Who in the world is Jordan?

Michael answered, "I have no idea. We have two options." Why were we calling him Michael? "One is, we can take the long way up and climb, another, Olivia can fly us up there right below the peak. I think the second option would work the best. Do you have enough energy to do that Olivia?"

Olivia said, "I think so, if we do it one at a time then yeah. It would only take about, IDK, 15 minutes each."

Michael/Jordan said, "Well, you and andrew can go up first. Now that I think about it, can your mechanical owl carry us up?"

I said, "Maybe, lets see." I whistled and a big Great Grey mechanical owl came. I call it Eziko. Eziko is my full brother, I don't really like talking about what happened to him. I continued, "Eziko, can you pick him up?"

Eziko made noises what sounded like chainsaws starting up. Translated, he said yes and he picked him up when he said that. Jordan's eyes opened wide when he picked him up by the shoulders.

Michael/Jordan said, "I'll take that as a yes, lets go."

Then the dream ended


I usually have a peaceful night of sleep. No dreams, no nightmares, nothing. Well, this time it was different.

I was attached to some celestial bronze wings on my back and I was holding on to Michael and Andrew. The thing was though, we were in mid-air.

I don't know how the just the wings were holding up all three of us, but thank god we weren't falling to our deaths, yet. The wings looked like some of Daedalus's wings he made when trying to escape that one king. Can't remember his name, but being a child of a child of Aphrodite does NOT make me dumb. Just to clear up stereotypical comments. Still, I have to find a better way to say that.

It looks like we are flying to Pikes peak, but I have no idea why we are flying there, but I can feel a storm coming. Then, out of no where, we get struck by lightning, not to far from the mountain. It was a strong bolt, and I must of sucked in all of the electricity, because it looked like I was in pain, and the others weren't. Thank Zeus I was a daughter of a son of Zeus, otherwise we would all be dead. It wasn't any lighting bolt though, it was Zeus's. I don't know how I know, but I can just feel it.

I was still in pain it looked like when we were falling, but I flew over to my friends and I caught them. I tried to pull up but we were just falling slower. I yelled to Andrew, "Can you call Eziko to try to slow down our fall?"

Eziko was his mechanical bird that he made, not going into much detail, but he called him and Eziko came out of nowhere and grabbed my shoulders with his big talons and started to fly up. We started to fall two meters per second and Eziko just got here in time because we hit the ground, not that hard either which was great. I don't really want a broken leg or and broken ribs at that moment.

I could feel something falling above us and I yelled everyone to get out of the way. I rolled away right as the wings hit the ground. We all looked at the wings and it was completely wrecked. It was electruced with so much electricity it burned. I couldn't have absorbed a fire, then who could of? I all I remember is the electricity getting passed through me and a loud explosion. I looked at Andrew and his clothes were burned. It looks like the fire attracted to him but how could that be? He is a child of Athena.

I looked at Michael and he was fine. No burn marks or anything. He just looks shocked we made out of that alive. He noticed I was looking at him and he smiled. Wow he was handsome.

I have no idea what is going on.


Sorry for the delay! I had no idea what to write after last chapter. I was stuck! I know what I am going to write for the next three chapters for sure, so don't worry! No delays for a while hopefully. But what is going on though? Why is Riptide 2 so different? Why does a child of Athena have fire powers? Are Michael and Olivia going to hook up? Well, read on and these questions will be answered!

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