Chapter 2: The Jacksons

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(Authors note)

I just want to give you a heads up on the language on this one, and it is rated PG-13 so its OK lol. Anyways, enjoy the book!


That's great. He would get caught off right when I was about to learn who my mom was. Just great.

I don't know what in Poseidon's name made me react fast enough, but I jumped back at the last second right when I was going to be struck by lighting. I flew backwards right on top of my bed. Good thing for the soft landing. I had my armor already, had my watch, and had Riptide 2. I'm ready for whatever is coming our way.

Percy yelled for me and Luke. When we both got there, it seemed Percy and Annabeth were ready if this ever happened. Me and Luke followed them and we ended up in our basement. He opened up a the door he told us to never go in. We couldn't of anyways because it was locked. Me and Luke tried to break it open when we were little but it was made of celestial bronze. We didn't have any weapons to break it open.

He brought out Riptide (the first one) and broke the lock open. When the door opened it lead to a wall of water. The water just stayed there, not falling down. I touched it and tiny waves went out into all the directions. Percy told me to step in. I didn't ask any questions, I just did as he said. Luke stepped in next, thank Poseidon for Luke being able to breath underwater. He wouldn't be able to breath underwater if he wasn't part Poseidon.

Just as Percy was about to step in, rocks crumble right in front of him so he can't step in. I can see a little hole I can look through and I see Percy yelling for me.

"Percy, i'm right here!" I yelled to him through the hole.

Percy saw where the noise was coming from, he told me, "Jordan, take Luke to Camp-Half blood, you remember where that is don't you?" I nodded and he continued, "Go by the name Michael Jackson, so it seems like you're my son, alright?"

"Really? Michael Jackson?"

"I like the name! Now that I think about it could give away who you are because its your last name......... never mind just go!

"What about you and Annabeth?"

I could see Annabeth unconscious on the floor. She must of got hit in the head by a rock. She snored, "Just go...."

Percy said, "I agree with sleeping Annabeth, just go."

I asked, "But-"


Me and Luke both heard him. We started running, or swimming, through the long, dark hall. Not to long after we left, the thundering and the shaking stopped. We started to walk after we realized it stopped. After at least ten minutes of walking, Luke started to breath really hard. He was only a little Poseidon so he couldn't breath underwater for long. I had to grab his shoulder so he could breath underwater. About five more minutes of walking, we got to some stairs. We didn't have to climb that many stairs to get to where we were going. We ended up at a bottom of a lake. I didn't care how they built this, I just swam up.

When we got to the beach shore, we just saw a lot of trees. But there were arrows, pointing to follow the beach shore.

After walking for only 2 minutes, Luke asked, "Where are we?"

I simply told him, "I don't know."

"What is going on?"

"I don't know."

"Are mom and dad going to be OK?"

"I don't know Luke! I have no idea what the hell is going on!"

"I'm sorry....." He looked down at his feet, ashamed of himself.

"Sorry Luke, I'm just really pissed right now."


"Hard to explain, so I will just say I don't know."

He gave me a smile and we continued walking.

"I thought you aren't suppose to swear."

"Listen, in a life or death situation, you would probably not thinking about rules."

"Can I swear?"

"No Luke, you're not aloud to swear."

We laughed and continued walking. We heard a noise to our left, we both looked, but we couldn't see anything so we just kept walking. All of the sudden a gust of wind knocks me off my feet. I got up and brought out my sword. I turn it into a sword and I give a stance. I could see Luke in the corner of my eye going underwater to avoid getting attacked. Then I saw what I as up against, well, kinda. I could see sand moving wherever the wind was going. It started to come towards me and I swung my sword to late and it hit me in the groin.

"Out of all the places it could hit me it decided to hit in that fucking area?" I cursed.

I quickly got over the feeling and I decided to turn my sword into a dagger for speed. I touch the tip two times and it shrinks.

"I can't believe i'm fighting wind." I said to myself.

The wind came at me with such speed I couldn't tell how fast it was going. I swung with power and speed and I heard a screech that sounded like a car going sixty miles made a complete stop. I knew it was dead. I knew it went back into the Underworld. I don't know how I know a invisible monster is dead, I just have a feeling.

I yelled for Luke to come out. He must of watched the whole thing because he got out and asked no questions. He seemed kind of scared of me.

We kept on walking. I was looking all over the place at this point for any monsters. Then, and arrow pointed to the left and we went that way. After more walking (at this point I have no idea how long we walked) we got to a giant tree.

It looked like it was any ordinary pine tree, but it had a dragon protecting it. The dragon must have seen us because it made a weird noise. I thought it was angry at me so I stood my ground. We stared at each other for at least a minute and other people started to come. The dragon must have called for help or something like that.

I saw some people part for a Centaur. A centaur is a horse except its head is replaced with the upper half of a human body. I figured this was Chiron. Percy told me stories about Chiron. He was Percy's teacher when he first got to camp. He lives forever to teach other Demigods he told me.

I this was camp halfblood right away when I saw other people coming with swords and shields. I could tell this wasn't all of the demigods because there was about 10 or more. How could I come all the way from Wisconsin to Long Island sound this fast? I will have to ask Percy and them that when they get here. If they get here. Don't ask me why they decided to live in Wisconsin. It's a really stupid reason.

Who I presumed to be Chiron came up to me and asked who are you two?"

I told him, "We, are the Jacksons."

(Authors note)

How did you like that chapter? I didn't like it as much as the first one, but I think it is still ok. I want to give a shout out to Erin_Mary14. Please comment if I missed anything or if you have any feedback, I would really appreciate it.

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