Chapter 5: A God Visits Camp

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*Authors note*

I'm going to have different point of views from now on if you don't mind. Make the story a little more interesting don't you think? First, we are going to start out with Jordan.


I woke up with a start. It was morning and I could see outside my window that people were starting to get up and getting ready to eat. No other cabins had windows, I did because, well, beaches, sand on beaches, you know what I mean. It was a one way window thank Poseidon. I don't want people to see my change my clothes. That would be weird.

I ended up changing my clothes, not sure of myself of the one way window. I put on a orange Camp-Half Blood shirt, some of Percy's old pants, that smell terrible. I slid on my black Nike's, with socks of course, and I headed out. While I was walking I looked around. Wow. What a amazing place.

I was heading to get breakfast and I sat down at the Poseidon table. I was in the mood for a omelet with onions and green peppers. It appeared out of nowhere and water appeared in my cup. It knew what I wanted before I even thought about it. I picked up my fork and cut a piece of my omelette. It. Was. Amazing. Me, playing with my powers, I picked up some water and made it float into mid air. I controlled it to go into my mouth and I felt a splash of cold, clear water. It tasted natural and not like tap water.

I was enjoying my breakfast when I looked up for a second to look around. At the Ares table, people were arm wrestling. A older girl, about Percy and Annabeth's age, was arm wrestling a kid who must of challenged her and was losing. They were yelling, "Clarisse! Clarisse!" I looked over at the Aphrodite table and they were more interested into putting on makeup then eating.

Over at the Hades table, there was no one there. I felt like walking over there like I belonged there. How come the big three still decided not to have children after the Titan war? Weird. Over at the Hephaestus table, was a Mexican that was about Percy and Annabeth's age. He was building a whole bunch of stuff in like a millisecond, must of been Leo, one of the most famous sons of Hephaestus.

I completely forgot I was eating, so I stabbed my fork into the omelette and took a bite. When I looked up, Olivia was staring me down. She didn't look away like she didn't want me to see her check her out, she looked over at the Athena table at Andrew. He was staring all of us down. Whats going on? Oh no. Did they get the same dream as me? I stood up to go talk to one of them but I got pushed back down on my seat by someone bigger than me. I looked up to see who it was and it was and it was someone with a big smile on his face. He had blond hair and he was holding out his phone, knowing he was going to get a message soon. There were snakes though, twisted around that point on a flip cell phone. He had a uniform on like he was from Ups, but he looked like he owned it. The thing is though, he did though.

He was Hermes, the God of Messaging.


I woke up, not knowing what to think. I looked around the Zeus cabin, no one. Just how I love it. No mirrors everywhere, no posters of Percy Jackson, nothing. Just peace and quiet. Not much in the cabin, it just smelled like Ozone. I got my normal stuff on, my jeans, my shirt, not much about it, just black. Ugh, I wish I could be a Hades child instead of a Zeus. I'm not anything like Zeus. I put on my glasses and headed outside to eat. I sat down at my table and I was in the mood for some bacon and eggs. Scrambled of course, with a side of milk. I started to eat when I realized about the dream. I looked over at Andrew, one of my best friends, and he just looked up and saw me.

He had a face of realization. He mouthed 'did you have a dream too' and raised an eyebrow to show he was asking. I nodded and mouthed 'did it have Michael in it?' He nodded and we both looked at Jordan. He was just walking towards us and just sat down. He took a bite of his omelette and started to look around. He looked down and took another bite of his omelette and when he looked back up he was us looking at him. He must of had the dream too because he was about to get up, but out of nowhere a person stopped him from standing up. When Michael sat down the man looked up and said, "May I have your attention please? I have a message from Zeus, and I need to tell you personally."

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