Chapter 6: Capture the Flag

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I followed Olivia and Andrew. I remember stories told me about his first time playing capture the flag. He told me that's when he got claimed. Maybe I will find out what other god type I am.

When we found Chiron at Zeus' fist, I didn't realize I was ready, hopefully he would give us time to get our weapons.

He said, "Before we start, does anyone need to get any magical weapons?"

Me and 2 others raised our hands.

"Go on then, you all know the rules I hope, I will explain to these others while you are gone."

I hurried to my cabin and grabbed my two magical items. Riptide 2 and my armor. I stuck it to my back and put my pen in my pocket. I still had on my watch, which I didn't notice right away.

When I got there, Chiron was saying, "-they can not get their flag back when you cross the border. You can put your flag anywhere on your side, it just has to be in the border.

Everyone ready?"

People yelled and raise their weapons. I clicked Riptide 2 and my celestial bronze sword. I raised it and yelled with them.

When everyone was a little quieter, Chiron said, "The two team captains will be the newcomers, Michael and Luke."

Everyone cheered. The people I picked were:




Everyone who was on Leo's side of the argument during breakfast

People who Andrew and Olivia recommended

Luke got these people:


Everyone who was on Clarisse's side of the argument

A lot of people in the Ares cabin

Then the rest of the camp

Now that I think about it, why was Luke one of the people who was on Clarisse's side? Well,

he was trying to blend in, because I would be dead by now because of him. Wow he is

good, I should of blended in.

We got the side with Zeus' fist, probably because Olivia was over on my side. So I told them my game plan, "Alright, so here is the game plan, we are going to have the Apollo kids gaurd so we can attackers from a range. Anyone else want to guard?"

Andrew raise his hand, "I will. I'm good with a bow. By the way, whoever is attacking, attack from side with all the water, alright? Then, if you guys run into trouble, Michael will be in his element."

"Good idea Andrew, so who is attacking with me? Leo, would it be ok if you come with me?"

Leo responded with, "Yeah sure, no problem."

Some of the Ares kids who were on Leo's side, said "We will attack also, how many people do we have so far? Five of us Ares children, Olivia, you, Leo, so that is 8 people and a lot defenders. How about whoever is left we will split in half and have some of them defend and some of them attack?"

I said, "Good idea, anyone against that plan?"

There was a long silence. Olivia broke that with, "I guess not, alright everybody, lets go!"


When the game started, we decided to put the flag on top of Zeus' fist, kinda obvious, but then we could pick people off because it's so hard to climb.

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