Chapter 8. Oh heavenly chaos!

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   At the party, Lance and Phil had after a while started to wonder where their mother had disappeared to, but in the long run that did not worry them too much. They knew that she was fully capable of taking care of herself, mother and all, and as they saw Marla and Sue approach, they put their thoughts about her aside, period.

Phil had not dared to admit it to himself, but he had in fact a pretty serious crush on Marla, God forbid. So, now when Cody more or less was out of the picture, he thought he might give it a serious try. Maybe an old-fashioned date to the movies?

He took her hand and led her aside when he estimated the timing to be right and he saw that his brother was talking to Sue. Feeling the alcohol in his system made him braver than usual, it allowed him to approach her and be brave enough to talk to her. Hey, she's not some kind of deadly predator, is she? You oaf!

"So. . .tomorrow night? You've got anything planned?" he asked tentative and squeezed her hand softly. Deep inside he was scared stiff that she would turn him down.

Marla gazed at him as she tilted her head a little to the side, giving him a soft and lovely smile.

"Are you asking me out? Or. . ."

Phil squirmed for a brief second then he grinned back at her. Go for it.

"Yes I am. You want to see a movie? It's always a start. . ."he said with a light shrug of his shoulders as he studied her and waited for an answer.

Marla smiled and giggled slightly. She thought that he was adorable in his way of trying to get a date with her. She also realized that he was going to be successful at it, because she actually wanted a date with him. Imagine that.

"Yeah, let's do that," she said and gave him a slow chaste kiss on his cheek.

Phil looked at her with well-acted surprise and put his finger to his lips. Inside he was doing the happy dance. In double speed.

"I'd like it here, please." he murmured and gave her a shy smile. Would she fall for it?

Marla smiled a little abashed, then she leaned forward and kissed him straight on the mouth.

Phil did not dare respond too much into the kiss, so he was very prudent, taking it easy.

Marla realized that she indeed enjoyed kissing him, so with determination she snaked her arm around him and kept on kissing him. Well, she would do anything in her power to forget about Cody if he was stupid enough not to want her back.

That very unexpected act from Marla made Phil pleasantly surprised. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought she would hug him close and just keep on kissing him. This was just mind-blowing and he sure as hell wasn't going to stop her, oh no! Enjoy every second of it, you lucky piece of shit.

Further down the hall Lance stood holding his arm around Sue and he glanced over at his brother and Marla, smiling. He knew that Phil had always had a weak spot for Marla, and now he could only hope that this would not backfire at him in his bold endeavor to romance her.

He just hoped that Marla would be able to put Cody into her past now.

~ ~ ~

Diane walked around in her home, every now and then making chitchat with her guests. In her own mind the barbecue was a huge success, and she was more than satisfied with that, knowing that her nosy neighbors would talk about it for weeks. Hopefully months.

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