Chapter 32. The least desirable place to be.

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Well, the end of this story is closing in and I just want to thank all of you amazing readers that have been with me from the beginning to where we are now, the second to last chapter. As always I would be more than happy to hear what you think about it. Drop me a comment and some votes to let me know . . .

Hugs from me to you, until we meet again in the last chapter . . .

Kay glared with cold eyes filled with contempt at his former friend and co-worker Neal as he laid in the hospital bed. How could he have allowed this to happen? The burden of guilt weigh heavy on his shoulders. Even though Laura had told him time and again that it had not been his fault, he felt guilty.

He clenched his teeth when he thought of what she and Marla had endured in the hands of Neal that night one week ago.

He would never be able to forgive himself.

He slowly paced back and forth down by the end of the bed, whilst eyeing the papers he had in his hand.

It was Marla's and Laura's statements from the night in question, and it was not a pleasurable read at all. He actually cringed while he read it, and some parts even made him sick to his stomach.

He snorted as he every now and then glanced over his shoulder at Neal when pacing.

How could the damn bastard have fooled him so completely? Kay despised himself for being so easily tricked by his former friend.

He shook his head slowly as he walked back and forth in the room, then he suddenly came to a stop at the foot end of the bed, resting his hands heavily on the bed-frame.

After several surgeries during the week, due to complications, Neal was sound asleep and on heavy painkillers that were strong enough to put a horse to sleep. Kay took a deep breath. He gazed at his watch and realized that he had to go back down to the station.

"I'm going to make sure that you will be put behind bars for this, Neal. ." he mumbled before turning on his heels to walk out from the room.

He stopped outside in the corridor for a while and gazed around. That bastard really was lucky that Laura had not taken it further than she did. Kay shuddered at the thought.

He said his goodbye to the officers outside the room and then walked out from there.

~ ~ ~

The content in the cup in front of him was cold. It had been like that for at least an hour or so. Slowly he stirred in the cup with a spoon as his gaze fell down on the floor.

The anger that consumed him was almost too much for him to take. He took a long, hard, deep breath and tried to control it.

Across from him, on the other side of the table, his brother sat. And as Phil raised his gaze up, their eyes met.

He could see that Lance fought the same battle as he did himself, and he could also see that it was tearing him apart. What Cody felt, he did not even dare to think about.

"Is Marla still having nightmares too?" Lance asked in a low voice. He too, was staring at a cup in front of him.

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