Chapter 30. A void of cold darkness.

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Another update!  This chapter might be a little intense, so this is a little warning  just in case. Anyway, I hope you all will be on pins and needles when reading this chapter, and as always I hope you will drop a vote and a comment to let me know what you think. . .

 "Marla !" she exclaimed, her eyes widened with fear as she saw Neal press the gun to Marla's temple. My god, there was no ending for what Neal could or would do to the girl.

Laura saw tears stream down her cheeks and she could also see a small shiner on her left cheek. Had the bastard actually hit her?

From deep within her, anger started to boil. Damn that fuckin' cop. Damn that poor excuse of a man.

"Welcome Laura!" he snarled at her and motioned for her to close the door behind her, " GET INSIDE!"

Clenching her teeth hard together, Laura closed the door with her foot and moved inside the room slowly.

"Neal. . " she said, her voice low and condemning. She watched him as he with the nasty grin still on his face, waved for her to come closer.

Now this situation really called for her to be as alert as never before. It wasn't just her now. . .the damn bastard had been crazy enough to mix Marla into the equation as well. Laura bit her lower lip hard. She had to be strong and keep cool for Marla's sake.

With a quick move, Neal lowered the gun from Marla's head and instead he strode over to Laura with the gun pointed steadily at her.

"Sit down." he ordered and pointed with his free hand to the bed.

Laura gulped.

"NOW!" he growled.

Slowly Laura moved over to the bed and sat down.

"I'm just going to tie you up a little, " Neal said as it was completely natural, " I don't want you to get any ideas of running from me. AND don't you try anything now, or I will hit you soo hard you won't believe it." he glared at her as he knelt down in front of her, his eyes giving her a silent warning.

Laura saw him produce a rope from under the bed, and then she felt him tie her ankles together. A sudden pain flashed from her feet inside the boots and she bulged her eyes. What was that?

Then she suddenly remembered. It must be the knife she had in one of her boots. It chafed against her instep.

Oh my god!  What if Neal would discover it? She would definitely be dead meat.

She pursed her lips into a thin line and endured the pain it caused during the time it took him to tie her feet together.

"Done!" he stood up and admired his own handiwork. Then he reached for another rope. "Your arms, please!" he hissed and glared at her again, his tone all but friendly.

Like in a daze, Laura stretched her arms out to him. What could she do? She knew that he was physically much too strong for her, and if she would try something, it would only take a second before he would be all over her. She sighed heavily.

A minute later, her arms were also tied together at the wrists.

In the background Laura could hear Marla sob silently as she sat tied up in the chair. Laura gazed nervously at her and met her tearstained eyes. The poor thing looked completely petrified with horror, and she herself was in no position to comfort her at all.

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