Chapter 10. Patience is a virtue

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Diane felt insolently good about herself as she walked around in the house the morning after the barbecue. She was trying to count everybody who had stayed for the night. They were a few.

Jeff came shambling down the hallway, mumbling his hello to her.

Diane wondered absentmindedly if he had found his way back to his wife or if he had stayed the night out in the guest house. She tried to shake it off, then she continued on her round in the house.

Up on the top floor in one of the rooms, Dave had woken up, realizing that he had Tammy Brace lying beside him. He tried to recall what had happened last night, but his memory failed him badly. Probably due to all the alcohol, he thought to himself and chuckled.

Carefully he caressed her hair, it felt like silk, and she looked really nice as she laid there.

Tammy opened her eyes and smiled coyly at him.

Dave carefully cleared his throat, then he spoke. "Please don't get me wrong here, Tammy. But my memory is failing badly here. Did we do something . . . last night?"

Tammy gave him a broad smile and caressed his cheek.

"Oh yeah, we did, Dave! We certainly did."

Dave leaned in slowly and kissed her softly on her lips. "You got anything against doing it again, just to refresh my memory?"

Her answer to his question was to lean back down on the bed and invite him once again.

*   *   *

Cody was working frantically on Phil's car. He had so much pent up energy in his body, from last night's activity's with Laura, that he felt he could do, or conquer, just about anything and everything.

Phil and Lance tried the hardest they could to match his tempo, but in vain.

They looked at each other grinning, because deep down inside they knew that Cody had bedded someone special somewhere, because it showed all over him. They were somehow marveled over all the energy he radiated, that was something out of the ordinary. His energy stunned them.

A few hours later they were done. Closing the garage, they took the car back to Lances and Phil's house.

Laura had managed to fix them dinner as they got back. Some meat casserole was cooking on the stove and the aromas coming from the kitchen hit their noses the moment they stepped through the kitchen door.

Cody's eyes immediately started to search for Laura, scanning the whole kitchen area. She wasn't in there.

"Help yourselves boys!" a voice called from the living room, "I'll be with you in a minute."

Lance, Phil and Cody sat down by the table and started eating. Cody realized suddenly that he was famished, the adventurous night taking its toll.

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