Chapter 27. Contrary to expectation

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Hi again all of you lovely readers.

 The story continues.

A little bit longer than usual, but I hope you all will find it okay.

All three of them, Cody, Lance and Phil, stopped talking and stared bewildered at each other as they heard a loud ruckus from the kitchen. Then a female voice yelled out loud, and they heard a fist connect with someone's jaw.

Cody was the first to launch himself from the table. He did it so fast the chair fell backwards, crashing to the floor. Then he ran towards the kitchen like it was on fire.

Lance and Phil followed close behind.

The sight they saw when they entered the kitchen literally made their jaws slack like never before.

"Holy shit!" Phil exclaimed with his hand covering his mouth.

On the floor, Diane sat straddling an unconscious Laura, aiming another punch in her direction. Blood was pouring from Laura's nose spilling out on the floor. Diane looked furious enough to do some serious damage.

"MOM! What the hell?" Cody yelled and grabbed her arms, lifting her up from Laura like he was lifting the weight of a feather. He gazed down at Laura, worry written all over his face. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" he yelled with anger at his mom as he shook her violently. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS? ANSWER ME!"

Diane calmed down slightly when she saw her son, but she was not prepared for the immense anger that radiated from him.

"I had to do it. . " she sniveled, wiping her own nose, "Laura's a slut and she deserves it."

Cody gaped at her. "WHAT?" He could not believe his own ears.

"She's so much older than you, she should know better. . " Diane winced in the fierce grip Cody had around her upper arm.

"What the HELL are you talking about, mom?" Cody growled at her, his grip getting tighter.

Lance and Phil knelt beside their mother and scooped her up, carrying her to her bedroom. Snatching one of the towels from the kitchen, Phil used it to wipe the blood from her face on their way there. Both of them shook their heads at the whole mess.

Apparently Cody's mother also knew by now. But attacking their mom? Geez, that was to take it a little too far, wasn't it?

Cody stared at his mother, his eyes cold and dark with fury flashing from them.

"You have been in bed with her, " his mother hissed through her teeth, getting some well needed courage back.

Cody stared in shock at her. How the hell could she know?

"She should know better than to seduce boys  your age, Cody." Diane snarled as she tried to free her arm from her son's hard grip.

Oh god! Laura's been knocked out because of him. By his own mother! Jesus Christ, this had turned out to be quite a mess. And it's all his fault.

Cody groaned as he slowly let go of her, his other hand rubbing his temple with vexation. How the hell would he find words good enough to explain to his mother? Oh what the hell. . . those kind of words does not exist. Just go for it!

"Laura had nothing to do with it, "he said giving his mother a stern look.

Diane snorted and gave an equally stern look back at him.

"Aha, so what did you two use? Remote control?" she blurted out, "I'm not stupid you know."

"No god damn it!" Cody growled and slammed his fist on the kitchen counter, "I was the one who seduced HER."

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