Sharon Needles | Finding Your Stuffed Toy

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"So how long do you think you'll be here?" I asked my best friend with my hands on my hips. Looking up through her long eyelashes "Not sure but I can stay somewhere else?" she tells me with a mock sad look on her face knowing that I wouldn't turn her away. Bitch.

"Hell no it's just carrying all your shit is killing me" I tell her with a big smile on my face "Plus how many bags do you really need Sharon?" Sharon Needles was my best friend and has been since we were kids we have been together through the ups and downs of life and now Sharon needed a place to stay for a while.

Sharon looks at me with a teasing smile "well if you want to look as terrifying as me..." she says with a wink passing me and putting her bags away in the guest room and knowing her she'll sneak into my room and see what she can 'borrow' I say borrow it's usually something she takes for a gig and I don't realise until I see a picture of her wearing it on the internet.

Opening the fridge, I looked inside seeing what I can make for dinner I grimaced seeing only beer, gone of milk and stale food this party life is seriously not good for my fridges maintenance I think to myself laughing.

Picking up a flyer from the outside my fridge I smile "Sharon I'm ordering pizza, you're still a veggie right?" I called dialling the number practically drooling as I think of a pepperoni pizza "If it's dead you should bury it not eat it" Sharon called back to me "Right" I whispered to myself knowing she'd find a way to creep me out about eating meat.

Ordering our pizzas, I frown as I hear laughing coming from down the hall "Sharon?" walking down the hall I stop at my bedroom where as I predicted Sharon had been looking through my closet "Hey what's so funny?" I asked with an unsure smile on my face seeing her standing in front my walk in closet, raising an eye brow I wonder what could be in there to cause her such enjoyment.

"What the hell is this?" Sharon askes with laughter in her voice as she turns around showing me the stuffed hippo she held in her pale hands, smiling I grabbed the hippo out of her hands "This Sharon is Bert" I told her pressing his stomach so she could hear the hippo passing gas.

Sharon looked up at me with an amused smirk "You have a stuffed farting hippo?" nodding I threw Bert back on the bed and put my hands on my hips "mmm hmm, don't be judging I know you still have that giraffe I gave you in 3rd grade"

Pulling me into a hug Sharon sighed "We're such freaks" looking up at the gothic makeup covered queen I snorted walking away "Speak for yourself sister" as I sashayed away from my shocked best friend "If you can't love yourself Sharon..." I laughed feeling her jump on me from behind "Yeah yeah"

"But don't worry I love you my comedy freak queen"


So this is my first drag queen imagine so please be kind haha hope you all liked it and will continue to read them and request.

Also can anyone find a reference to another tv show in the imagine?

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