Bianca Del Rio |Birthday Dress|

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Waking up you looked around moaned Bianca wasn't here again she was off on tour, it was your birthday today did she even remember? Rubbing your eyes, you stretched and sighed you knew Bianca was high in demand right now but you needed her too and now she forgot your birthday too.

Getting up and changing into your clothes you grabbed your phone to see if maybe she had tried to ring you or at least text you to say happy birthday but no you had messages from everyone hell even your 2nd cousins twice removed had text you.

Walking into yours and Bianca's kitchen you poured yourself some coffee hoping delicious caffeine would make you feel better that you hadn't seen the love of your life in a month and now she had even forgotten your birthday.

Sitting on the couch you turned on the TV and sat down with your legs curled under you putting your coffee on the table a familiar blue book was peeking out from under the coffee table. Smiling you picked up the photobook and flipped through the pages.

You couldn't help but smile widely at yours and Bianca's photobook it brought back so many memories of all the years you spent together. Hearing your phone ring you picked it up whilst still looking through the book "Hello" you mumbled distracted.

"Hey it's me" your ears perked up at the sound on Bianca's voice and you smiled instantly she had remembered "Hey baby how's the tour" you asked putting the book down, Bianca sighed making you frown "It's going. I just called because..." you smiled here it was "I need you to go check on the shop for me" Bianca said making your smile drop.

The shop as Bianca called it was a dress and design shop you both owned, clearing your throat you nodded "Yeah sure is that all?" you asked tentatively almost knowing the answer, you heard Bianca chuckle a little "Yeah why?" feeling your shoulder droop you shook your head "Nothing just making sure".

"Ok love you" smiling sadly you picked up your bag and keys "I love you too, bye" Putting your phone in your bag you walked out of the apartment to your car and drove in silence to the shop, feeling a few tears drip down your face you never thought Bianca would be the one to forget things it was always you but you never forgot important things.

Parking out the front of the shop you unlocked the door and threw your bag on the counter, looking around everything seemed to be just as you had left the day before. Hearing a noise out the back you jumped "Hello?" rolling your eyes like a burglar is going to be all 'yeah hey I'm just robbing you'.

Walking slowly to the back work room where the dresses are usually made you walked in squinting, feeling around for the light you screamed when you felt hands on your eyes "Hey!" feeling a familiar warm body behind you, you frowned "Bianca?"

Feeling her nod against your hair you frowned "What are you doing here your supposed to be on tour?" Bianca laughed and pulled you closer to here "Do you really think I'd miss my baby's birthday?" smiling widely you realised you had been wrong she hadn't forgot about you at all, frowning you crossed your arms "Why the secrecy?".

Bianca walked you're forward a bit with her hand still coving your eyes gently "Well I got off the tour extra early so I could get back here and put the finishing touches on your present" you perked up not only had she not forgot, taken time off tour and got back home she had also got you a present.

"Are you ready?" she whispered in your ear, nodding you felt butterflies in your stomach you had no idea what she had got you but knowing Bianca it was something special.

Feeling her hands drop off your eyes you look up to see a gorgeous dress staring back at you gasping you stepped forward to the masterpiece and tentatively put your hand out to touch it. The tears that had gathered in your eyes were now making their way down your face.

"Oh you hate it?" Bianca mumbled disappointed obviously seeing you cry, shaking your head you turned "No I love it!" Bianca face lit up instantly, looking back at the dress you could help but internally gush over how beautiful it was, it was perfect just like Bianca.

"So you love it" Bianca asked curling her arms around your waist, turning to Bianca you shrugged "Well it's not the best thing I have" Bianca leaned back and frowned "but you said? So what did you have better?" smiling you pulled her to you for a kiss "You, I have you".

A/N So this was a request from PizzaIsMyPatronus So I hope you all liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading, reviewing/commenting and voting!

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