Daniel Donigan | Short |

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Imagine Daniel teases you for being short

Lookingup at the cabinets you sighed, standing at 5 foot 3 you were way tooshort to be able to reach the chocolaty goodness that was Nutella.You had always been short so It was a big shock when you moved inwith Daniel.

Danielwas 6 foot so when he put the groceries away he always forgot thatyou were 'vertically challenged' so the things you wanted werealways too high up to reach which never bothered you before but sinceDaniel went on drag race as Milk people were always making fun ofyour height.

Peoplethought that you and Daniel we too opposite for each other and thathe should break up with you and find someone his own size instead ofdating a midget. Rolling your eyes you clumsily climbed up on thecounter and opened the cabinet doors.

Todaywould be the day where you successfully got something from thecabinet without asking for Daniel's help and pouting when hemockingly patted you on the head or lifted you up in his arms so youcould reach it.

"Whereare you?" you whisper rummaging threw the thoroughly packed cabinetbefore squealing when you find your current obsession "Yay!" youcheered to yourself grabbing the jar.

"Baby?"Squealing you tried to turn but you slipped and fell, closing youreyes you waited to hit the ground but instead you felt two arms catchyou. Opening your eyes you looked up to see the concerned face ofyour boyfriend.

"Whatwere you doing?" he asked confused putting you back down on thefloor his eyes flicking from you to the counter where you were stood"I wanted Nutella" you muttered showing him the jar.

"Awwmy little fairy couldn't reach" Daniel said moving his hand forwardto pat my head, knocking his hand away from your head you walked awayand pulled a spoon out the draw feeling tears well up in your eyes.

Usuallyyou'd let him joke about you being his little fairy or his peanutthen you'd call him a giant but now all you could think about wasthose mean trolls who always made fun of you for being petite "Babe?"Daniel called from behind you.

Feelinghis arms wrap around you waist you couldn't help but burst out crying"Hey" Daniel shushed turning you to him and pulling you into oneof his loving hugs "What's wrong" he whispered pulling you backand wiping away your tears.

"I'mshort" you whispered nuzzling yourself back into his chest as hegasped "Is this because I called you my fairy?" looking up atDaniel's upset face you decided to tell him about what the trolls andtabloids had been saying.

Danielsighed and rubbed you back "I'm so sorry" he said lookinghorrified by what you have endured by being with him now everyoneknows who he is and his Milk persona "but I think you being shortis adorable"

Sniffingyou looked up him again "You do?" you asked unsure as he smiledand nodded "I love everything about you from your height to yourpuppy dog eyes" he told you laughing before looking very serious.

"Youare perfect to me my gorgeous fairy" Daniel said softly strokingyou cheek with his finger, looking up at him through your lashes yousmiled before jumping into his arms and smothering him with kisses.

Pullingback and looking at him holding you in his arms you smirked rubbingyour finger in a circle on his chest"I guess being small does havesome good advantages".

A/N So this was a request made by@MaxManaphy and @chibistardoll so I hoped it was what you had in mind and that you liked it :D

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A/N So this was a request made by@MaxManaphy and @chibistardoll so I hoped it was what you had in mind and that you liked it :D

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