chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"You got me so high takin deep deep breaths" i sang even though i don't even get high
Or drunk
Or really anything
You can simply say im a child of Jesus. My name is francesca. But call me Frankie. Well no one really "calls me" if you feeling my vibe.

I finished doing my hair, for what you would call "hell" but i call it "school". I guess you can't really hate school so much if it takes you away from all of your distractions, unless of course you're me. The one lonely girl who sneaks her lunch into the library because she doesn't have any friends and doesn't want to get found by her bullies, or the girl who sits in the far back of the classroom so her peers won't notice she's in that class, or even the girl who is completely mute at school.
Yup, im that girl.
I made my way downstairs, not surprised to not see my father here. I don't talk to him, i might as well be mute at home too. But the problem is, i like to sing to myself. My mother died several years ago, and my dad left with her. Its completely awkward between the two of us. Not that i mind it. I've learned to be acquainted with the silence. The longer you hear nothing, the more you start to hear everything.
I grabbed my car keys and left my home shortly after i ate. When i saw the school in a distance. I sighed parking far away. If any one knew i had a car, i don't know what they'd do to it. I grabbed my things and went into my own definition of hell.
"Hey you fat bitch" "still have yet to kill your self huh?" "You are literally disgusting" the harsh comments bounced off of my skin. I don't know why everyone hates me so much. People always say "its because they're jealous" but jealous of what? They don't even know who i am. "Hey you mute bitch. We're talking to you. Or should we speak in your pig language. You know oink oink" they laughed at his incredibly absurd joke. I glanced at the kid before i started to walk away. Okay jesus, let's sped up time. I hurridly walked to my class trying not to be seen anymore. It worked. "Good morning Frankie" the teacher, Mr. Willow, greeted me. I sent him a small smile back. He's probably the only teacher that likes me in this school. I don't mind though, not like I'd talk to them anyways. Right?
As the day went on, i found myself to be exhausted with a slight pain in my rib cage. Someone thought it would be cool to push me into a door today. I sighed to myself and started putting my hair in a pony tail. Once school was over i parked my car at the library. I love them, you get the perfect silence you've only dreamed about. I took out my homework for the day and quickly did it afterwards i decided to study.
"You know, you have a very demonic resting bitch face" a random HOT guy came over to my table and said. I looked at him and started grabbing my things "wait, where are you going? It was just getting interesting here" interesting indeed. I slowly sat back down. "Im Jase" he introduced himself. I still eyed him "you're not much of a talker huh? Guess ill just have to figure your name out on my own. You know i can do it right?" I crossed my arms and arched an eyebrow "guess ill just have to show you" he stood up and swiftly took my bag. My eyes widened and i face palmed adding a chuckle. He smiled taking out a paper " Frankie, i like it. Is your whole name francesca?" I nodded "beautiful" his smile is beautiful. I looked at the time on my unneeded phone. I don't even know why i have one, not like i talk to anyone. I started gathering my things "are you leaving?" Jase asked i nodded. Taking my things back from him "am i gonna see you again francesca?" I smiled "if you come and see me you will" a smile brightened on his face "of course"

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