chapter 8

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Chapter 8
"Oh gosh you are doing it terribly wrong!" I yelled at jason "dude, i can't dance!" He said. Im teaching him a dance i learned a while ago. "You know i have feelings too frankie, i didnt come over to feel belittled" he turned around "aw jase im sorry. You were doing a great job" he looked at me and smiled "thanks" i threw a pillow at him "you're horrible" he grabbed my hips climbing on top of me "you arent too bad yourself. Are you a dancer?" He was lowering himself slowly "i am actually-" he bit my stomach "ow!" I said. He did it again and i hit him. He sat on me and started tickling my stomach "JASON STOP!" I was laughing uncontrollable "JASON!" I screamed again. He stopped the toruture and i pushed him off of me "my stomach hurts" i hit him "sorry francesca, but that was funny" i rested my feet on him "how would you feel if i tickled you?" I asked sitting up. I went closer to him and tickled his neck. He cringed "how did you know?" He grabbed my hand "a lot of men aren't ticklish on their stomachs" i tickled him again "alright i get it" he moved to the other couch. I outstretched my hands "why did you leave me?" I whined "didn't wanna be by you anymore" i crossed my arms "fine" i picked up his pringles "no give me my pringles" he stood up holding his hand out "they're mine now" i said standing on the couch to exceed his height. He went for it but i raised them up "ha" i laughed he grabbed me and grabbed the pringles from my hand and set me on ground "i don't know how far you thought that was gonna go" i stood up again "let's play hide and go seek" i offered "ill seek" i called "alright." I covered my eyes "1, 2, 3 ,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ready or not, here i come. I heard the stairs, so ill go there first . I checked all of the rooms and he want up there "you're kinda good at this jase" i said though the house. The down stairs lights all suddenly turned off "um jason, you and i both know i am a complete scaredy cat" i slowly went down the stairs "i don't like this" i tried reaching for the lights but i got yanked into someones chest. "JASON!" I pulled awaym he was laughing hysterically "its not funny" i whined "i never want to play hide and seek with you again!" He kissed my forehead and wrapped his strong arms around me "that was fun" i rested my chin on his chest "can we watch a movie, or are you gonna figure out some way to scare me?" I asked "of course not" he grabbed my hand. We went upstairs in my room and i turned on netflix "let's watch despicable me!" I clicked on it. I leaned back and Jason laid on my chest. My fingers made there way to his soft brown hair. "Francesca i had fun today" i looked down at him "thank you for coming jase" we didnt even get through the intro of the movie before we both fell asleep.
I have school today.
School just let that sink in. I got out of bed and did the regular do. I leabed against my door frame watching jase sleep. I sat by him and tickled his neck. He groaned "im leaving jase" his beautiful eyes opened "where?" He asked "i have school silly goose" i smiled "noo" he grabbed my hand pulling me back into his chest "hey you'll see me tomorrow" i said "tomorrow?" I got up again "yeah i have a doctors appointment after school" he groaned "alright" he got up "ill take you" i bit my lip "you're tired i know you don't want to" i said "shh. Let's go" he took my hand. He drove me to my school. "I miss you already" he mummbled "i bet you do" i smiled "ill see you at 2:05 exactly yeah?" I asked "yeah" i got out of the car and went inside, i can feel my heart start pumping again. People didnt say anything to me. Which is very off, but im not complaining. Its a little fishy though. This can't be good. The feeling made me sick to my stomach. "Watch it pig" there we go.
"Looks who's on time" i got into Jason's car "why wouldn't i be" he asked grabbed my hand "because youre jason" i looked at him "very true" i chuckled "hey" i said "hey" he looked at me "good afternoon kid"

Gia Nicole..(BWWM )Where stories live. Discover now