chapter 1

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Amity truly disliked waking up at six am to learn something she'll never use in the future, something like trigonometry. That's what she was thinking about as she ate the mushy cereal.

Amity's brother came in looking for something which Amity knew right away. "Yo T-Swiz, here's your stupid Happy Meal Friday." as Amity tossed a PopTart and Gatorade to him. (Amity thinks her little brother's daily Friday prize will lead him to a place where he'll have to enjoy Jello as his only sugar intake. But no matter how much she tried, you just can't control a 16 year old boy.)

"Ams, I said it's T-Wiz. I refuse to be called a no good teenage pop singer who has no love life except for her cats! You needa respect the band and its crew," Tyler annoyedly says.

"For your information, Taylor is a strong, independent 28 year old woman, former country singer, AND she has so much more of my respect than 'T and the Wiz'. Just shut your over dramatic self and let's bounce, T-Swiz," Amity says in one breath.

Taylor rolled his eyes and retorted, "Umm, thanks but no thanks. I still do not trust you with my pretty face."

"Oh puh to the leez," emphasizing each syllable. Resurfacing in her memory, Amity remembers when she almost missed the turn on the way to school. So, she made the sharpest turn without warning, leading Taylor's head into the window. Forcefully. In her defense, she claims that they were going to be late and there was no time for "dilly dallying".

Amity cringed at the memory and replied, "Okay, true. But, I've honestly improved. How do you think I got the license?"

"I was wondering the same thing. But, imma call up Hope to pick me up for just one more day, sis! I gotta sick date with her tonight and for just one more day, I don't wanna look like I was beat up. You know how Hope is.

"Huh," Amity mumbles with a slight roll of her eyes as she picks up her backpack.

"What was that?"

Amity looked up brightly and grabs her keys, "Nothing, I just think it's funny how you're still dating Hope as in Hope without the "P"."

"She's honestly not that bad compared to your dude. Hold up, is there even a dude?," Taylor asks with a laugh.

Amity gives him a fake smile and replies, "Actually, yes. Well, I'm chasing after him, but I know it'll work out. He helps me out a lot in life. And I can tell we're gonna have a great future together. His name is A Scholarship."

"You are sad. But extraordinary at the same time," Tyler says as they walk out the door.

"You're just sad. You gotta end it with her, you're only 16," Amity retorts as Hope pulls up in the front.

"Ams, I really adore and think very much of your advice. But, I know what I'm doing. As James Charles would say, bye Sister Ams!"

"As I would say, don't be stupid T-Swizzle!," Amity shouts and drops into the beaten up Toyota. She looks into the rearview mirror where a small picture of a young woman sits.

"Dear God... hope you're taking care of her well."

» » » » »

Tierney Lynn was one of Amity's bestest of friends. But, she prefers to be called Rainie. Rainie cannot be described in one word because you cannot do that for any human being, can you? The highlights of Rainie are exclusively shown in her and Amity's relationship. Right now, Amity is driving to Rainie's and she briefly thinks about how good she has been to Amity even during the thinnest of times.

Amity pulls up in Rainie's driveway which flies the Mexican flag high on the roof. Coincidentally, it starts to sprinkle giant drops of water which makes Rainie sarcastically shout, "What a fricken' coincidence!" Rainie opens the backseat door and loads in a huge gift box, slams the door, and drops into the passenger seat.

"What a rainy morning," Amity says and flashes a smile.

"Shut the hell up and drive."

"Oof, a lil grumpy... uh uh, not in my car," Amity replies. She plugs in the aux cord, turns up the radio and blasts Rainie's favorite song. Rainie shakes her head with a smile.

"You're annoying," Rainie shouts over Pocketful of Sunshine.

"What'd ya get for Wren?," asks Amity.

"You'll see, Ams, I'm even shook." The two sing along while Rainie scarfs a bagel down. A few streets later, they pull up into the garage of a mansion and Amity honks four times. Finally, a tall Asian boy crawls out of the palace and into the beat up car.

"Just cause you're the birthday boy, don't mean you can be late," Rainie retorts.

"Nobody cares what you thi-OHH, what is this here?"

"Your mom," says Amity which gets a giggle from Rainie. The three start their drive to school. Wren rolls his eyes and opens the gift.

"Damn. I'm speechless. Rainie, HOW can you afford this?!" Wren asks excitedly. He holds up a very vintage looking camera.

"Ebay, bestie. That does not mean $300 isn't expensive dude!" Rainie replies with a grin. Wren takes out the camera and examines every detail of it with pleasure.

"Thank you. Honestly." Wren hugs Rainie with a happiness.


"Ta-Da!," it is Amity's turn to give Wren a gift which is tiny but meaningful. Wren opens up a customized frame with an iconic photo of all three of them.

"I love it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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