Peter Writes a Song

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Rosemary was in the kitchen cooking dinner. Peter tried as hard as he could to convince her that she didn't need to, but after smelling Peter's attempt at cooking she refused to let him in the kitchen alone. Peter was in the living room playing with Casey.
Casey was tugging at his father's hair, and Peter was whistling a tune with no words. The tune was driving him mad. He had to get words for it.
"Lady's baby..." He sang softly pinching Casey's cheeks.
Casey made his cute baby noises, and Peter smiled at his son. Rosemary tapped Peter on the shoulder. He picked up Casey, and they walked into the kitchen. Rosemary had the food set out.
Peter handed Rosemary Casey. She held her son and began to breastfeed him despite the child's wails against it. Peter sat down and ate the meal Rosemary laid out in front of him. It was pork and green beans, and to someone that ate cereal for dinner for a good amount of his life it was like a five star meal.
"Lady's baby..." Peter sang softly again. Casey was staring at his father now that his mother wasn't feeding him.
Peter made a funny face at his son. Casey smiled and laughed. "Lady's baby smiles and coos," Peter sang softly standing up and taking Casey from Rosemary's arms.
Peter kissed Rosemary on the cheek before taking Casey into the living room. He sat Casey down on the floor and then sat down on the couch. "Takes away my lonely blues," Peter said standing up again and grabbing his guitar. He started to play the notes rolling through his head and sang along with them with the words he had. He'd have to play this for the guys when he got into the studio.
Rosemary wandered into the living room. She moved very slowly to sit beside him. Her fingertips moved to touch the back of the guitar, and her head drifted to his shoulder. She closed her eyes with a pretty little smile on her lips. She placed her full palm on the guitar and let the vibrations travel up her arm.
Peter kissed Rosemary on the top of the head. "Baby's mother touches me, and at last I really see..." Peter sang softly to no one.
Peter looked at the clock and frowned. It was time for him to go to his recording session. He stood up and put his guitar back in the case. He smiled at Rosemary. "I've gotta go now," He said signing with his words.
Rosemary nodded. Peter picked up Casey and tickled him before handing him to his mother.
"Bye ya little rascal," He said kissing Casey on the forehead then kissing Rosemary on the lips.
Peter grabbed his bass and walked out of the apartment. It'd been awhile since the Monkees had recorded anything. Since Casey was born Peter had had very little time in the studio. They were also planning on going on tour in a few weeks. They'd released one album since Casey's birth, their self-titled debut album. It sold very well; it even went gold. Except they all hated it because of how 'bubblegum' it was. They had another in the works with similar material. Stephen kept promising to come down to Colgem and straighten them out for the Monkees, but he hadn't. Crosby, Stills & Nash was doing so well with their own music. He just didn't have the time.
From what Peter learned from Rosemary, Carolina and Mike were over. She didn't exactly know why. She said something about Mike being a little too odd for her taste. Which was odd to Peter since he always thought Mike was the most normal of them. Mike hadn't said a word about his and Carolina's relationship, meaning it was something he didn't want to talk about, and Peter respected that.
Peter reached the studio and walked inside and to the recoding studio he and the rest of the Monkees always played in. Davy was the only one in the studio as of yet.
"Hey," Davy said jingling on a tambourine.
Peter smiled and sat down. "What's up?" He asked.
"Well, Mike and Micky went to get something from the vending machine about five minutes ago. I've been sitting here pretending to be Mr. Tambourine man since then..." Davy said rather sorely.
Peter's eyes were drawn to one of Mike's guitars. He reached for it and sat on a stool. "Would you like to hear a song I've been working on?" He asked.
Davy shrugged. "Anything's better than just sitting here," He said.
Peter started playing that same damn tune he'd had in his head all day. "I haven't figure out the words yet, but I've got some," He said.
"Might as well record it. We have nothing better to do," Davy said.
Peter nodded. He started singing quietly.

"Lady's baby smiles and coos
Takes away my lonely blues
Baby's mother cooks my meal
Warm and cool is really real

Runnin' never was much fun
All it did was bring me down
Chasin' 'round isn't where it's at
Tension puts you in the ground

Lady's baby pulls my hair
Lets me know he's really there
Baby's mother touches me
And at last, I really see

Runnin' never was much fun
All it did was bring me down
Chasin' 'round isn't where it's at
Tension puts you in the ground

Lady's baby lets me know
Life was meant for movin' slow
Baby's mother knows this too
Lady, I love you..."

Sometime while Peter was singing Mike and Micky ended up in the studio. Micky was clapping with this goofy grin on his face. He wiped a fake tear from his eye. "That was beautiful."
Peter put the guitar back where he found it. "My voice isn't any good. It'd be better if one of you sang it," He said.
Mike frowned. "It sounded damn fine ta me," Mike said.
Peter picked up his bass trying to ignore them. He started playing a blues bassline. "Well, come on, let's start recording," He said.
The Monkees sat down and started jamming for awhile. Peter smiled slightly as they recorded. These guys really were his best friends. He was glad he stuck with them and hadn't gone on tour with Crosby, Stills & Nash.
This was where he wanted to be, with his friends recording their songs.
"Boys, I've got a song for you I think you'll sound just perfect on..." Came Kirshner's voice.
Peter and Micky and Davy and Mike glanced at each other. And so it began again. Their professional musician status made them the marionettes of the record producers. They as always relented to the Man with the Golden Ear to appease the producers, but they knew soon they'd be able to make their own kind of music. It would come soon... They knew it would.

(Me with my shitty endings. This is the end. Thanks for staying with me this whole time. I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it. I have a few more stories in the works. One called Butterfly, which I'll be putting up soon, one that is up called White Rabbit. I've got others, but those are kinda in writing limbo if that makes any sense. I'd feel very grateful if you were to read either of those ones I've mentioned above though. But you don't have to. I may start another Monkees Fanfiction sometime. So many choices oh lord.)

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