Chapter Twelve: Visitors and Phonecalls

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(April's version)

It had been four days since Amanda's first phone call and since then, she called every afternoon to brief me on school. Mariah didn't call as frequently but when she did, school was the last thing on her mind. I still didn't feel like attending school and stayed home dawdling instead. Sooner or later, I had to face school but that could wait until my seizures let up. Nothing changed; the crippling pain, watering eyes, difficult breathing and aftermath throb of pain were still haunting me. It always left me in the same position as I was right now. On the living room sofa, in a tired mass, sprawled uncomfortably on the furniture. Mom was late home today and I knew she was out, shrink hunting. Kenny was with her, thankfully and that just left me to my own entertainment. My limbs were sore, as if I was having a stretch after being folded into a carton for a month. Sighing, I shifted awkwardly on the sofa and waited for either Am or Mariah to call. My mind wandered to Brandon and I smiled at the easy image that popped up. We didn't know each other that well but I felt drawn to him somehow. He was safety. That much I saw in his eyes as a promise, that last time I saw him. Then Kira's abnormal big head suddenly appears as a sort of warning. It was like traveling in a car and the road signs show warning of falling rocks. Mariah had said that Kira was furious at Brandon's lack of attention and apparently I was high on the assassination list. A lot of public arguments in the cafeteria between Kira and Brandon had occurred. Even mom mentioned it during dinner that day. I frowned suddenly, thinking about mom. Yesterday, she had arrived with a curious look on her face. She kept throwing my a knowing smile. As if something was going to happen.. Ding Dong The doorbell interrupted my thoughts and I groaned at having to untangle my limbs to answer the door. I glanced at my watch and noted the usual time Am called. The phone stayed silent however. Dragging my body off the couch, I tried to pull of a normal human walk instead of the primitive ape one I was doing now and ran my hand through my unkempt hair. I knew who it was and I was grateful that Am would sacrifice some of her time to bringing over my homework. I hope she doesn't mind my appearance. Fixing a large smile, I swung the door open and felt my body go numb. Blue orbs for eyes, blond silk as hair, muscular jaw, pearls for teeth and shoulders that promised more broadening in a later stage of adolescence. What was Brandon doing here?

(Brandon's version)

"Hi," I managed and flashed a smile. April didn't look like she was going to return it but I couldn't get rid of it. Seeing her after a long while was going to keep me grinning until history class tomorrow. She had her hair down which fell way past her shoulders, not in a glue-gel way that Kira has hers but in a more natural state with a few strands out of place. Her eyes were wide enough for me to see the blue and green flecks of her aquamarine eyes. Her clothes ruffled in a I-just-woke-up-look and her parted mouth... A memory hit me suddenly and I clutched the books I was holding to jar my brain back to the present. "I brought your homework," I muttered. I started to worry when she didn't respond. "Am I here at a bad time?" A roaring sound of the engine behind me signaled the arrival of Mrs.Summers. That seemed to pull April out of her thoughts because she was now blinking up at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry," she was saying but I waved her off.

"I should have called...maybe I'll just leave your books and.."

"Please stay," her soft plea halted my excuse to run and I nodded to show her I wasn't going to leave. "Come in," she welcomed me in. "Looks like my mom and brother are back."

"Brother?" I asked nervously. Hopefully not the older, crush-on-my-sis-and-die sort of brothers. "Can't wait to meet him."

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