Chapter 4: Isabella

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The next morning I woke up with two huge arms wrapped around my and deep red blood eyes staring at my face .I beamed at his gorgeus face and snuggled up to him while he sat with my in his arms grinning at me whilst I trying to get comfortable. ( I swear he's such a boy sometimes . Yes he looks 19 , but actually HE'S OVER A THOUSAND YEARS OLD PEOPlE !!)

A vampire is a cold creature which all started form a witch's curse. The vampire has long razor sharp fangs which can rip through human flesh in an instant, they have all their senses hieghted as well as their speed and agility which makes the chase more thrilling to a vampire when it is chasing it's prey. Also they can not stay out in sunlight it burns their flesh eventually killing them and last of all their skin is cold and smooth which could make anyone more terrified of the creature known as a "vampire" .

His cold figure held tight against my warm one felt what you would say wired in a way its not every day your lover is very cold to the touch ; but sometimes this extra-ordinary feature can come in useful like on a very hot day or ' a very active night in bed '. It made me feel special that I had this and also blessed that I didn't sweat all over him ;( like other couples had to experience ).
I burst out into a giggle whilst thinking of this and slowly a face emerged in front of myn (such a beautiful face like one of a god :with such sharp cheekbone , ebony black luscious hair , and such a sculptured jawbone) (my life is so sweet!!!).
" What are you laughing about aye?"
His face turned intense and I layed there mimicking his facial expression.I decided not to answer and remain mimicking him .
" Your so stubborn .. " he trailed off rolling his eyes at me that made a little startled so I trailed sweet soft kisses up his jawline finally ending up at the destination of his sweet lips I kisses each corner , as his hand worked up to my hair , then I went in and kissed him full on on the lips ; and then broke the tender passionate kiss after a minute .
" That shows you stubborn !" I said stubbornly. Then tried to clime out the bed as fast as I could and race to the bathroom unfortunately I was no match for a vampire and Eric stud in front of me stark nakied!!! My mouth dropped open in server shock and astonishment. Although I had made love with him the night before I was still shocked he didn't have anything on , as I had a blanket clutched to my chest .
" Your going nowhere lady " he said with a rough growl in his tone but also , rather passionately.
He instantly grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder unfortunately he stopped the blanket out of my hands.
Eric seamed rather amused by his actions and started slapping my bum whilst walking in the bathroom turning the shower on.
He repeatedly said ," this is what you get my love for not answering me ".
He opened the glass door an plonked me into the pouring water instantly drenching my stark bodie.
Eric was their staring at me in the water with a huge Cheshire cat like grin on his face ( boys god they will never grow up! Tut).
I crossed my arms over my bare chest trying to cover myself up from him as well as keep warm.
"What's so funny ?!" I shoot at his then turned around and sat at the back of the huge shower slucking.As I was in the process of turning, I saw his grin vanish from his face and concern appear . I knew however this was his own little joke but knowing myself I wanted to know how much control I had in our relationship.
A cold hand touched the small of my back and work it's way up to my right shoulder whilst another joined my left shoulder , they started giving me a relaxing massarge making my eyes close and head fall back . I was then turned around and found soft lips touch myn .
" I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you " Eric said very emotionally (which was quite mind blowing).Then started covering my face with soft cold kisses. I pulled away from him ...
" You know that was only a joke right? " I started laughing my little head of whist he stood there speechless mouth hung open." If you stay like that you going to catch flies " I exclaimed and laughed even more.
He started to grin at poor me laughing at my own jokes ( I was so sad !).Then his hands disappeared, then there was i was lavered in lavindor soap!Eric then smiled and started laughing at me, helpless little old me.
I stood up rinsed off then walked out of the bathroom. I was sat on the bed drying myself as i heard my shadow open the door I glanced at him and he eyed me.T hen flung himself on top of me ; straddling me.
I looked into his red pits of eyes and said ," what's the plan for today then babes?"
" To get you clothed dressed and ready for your big night ." He smiled it looked so genuine.
"What big night? "
" Isabella , honey , let's just say people haven't said happy birthday to you yet including my ..ugh.. father and then you will be with me forever my sweet".

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