Chapter Four

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A/N: its 6am on July 9th i have been trying to get this written since the end of June someone please save me.

Gerards POV:

I had the perfect plan to capture Frank. It was going to be in action at his birthday party. Based off what he told me, he's a party animal and he'll most likely get completely wasted. Then from there I'll take him to my place to "take care of him". This was the perfect plan, and so far the easiest.  It had to work.

I was sitting, once again, in my living room thinking over other options to do if this plan doesn't work. I always had a backup plan, but this time I couldn't think of one. This plan was so good, at least in my head, I couldn't think of a backup plan. This was a first time thing.

I heard a knock at the door, I stood up and walked over. I opened up the door without checking who it was, no one visits me anyway so it couldn't be anyone besides Pete or Mikey.

It was surprisingly my brother, I thought he was leaving awhile ago.

"We never got to talk about Franks surprise party." That got me all giddy. I felt like a teenage girl finding out her crush likes her back. The only thing is I'm an adult male, not gay, and I'm planning to kidnap someone instead of finding out my crush likes me.

"Oh yeah, what were you planning to do?" I really need to learn how to keep my cool. One of these days everything's gonna be blown. I was not looking forward to that day.

"So, we were planning to rent out a club and we wanted this big banner that says "Happy 21st!" and that's where you come in. We need a huge banner, you can buy the paper and markers. I honestly have no money for you and your art." Wow thanks Mikey, I thought as to how design this poster. I knew this post was my one way ticket into the party, so it needed to be perfect.

Mikey left a few minutes after he told me what he needed, he told me the time and place of the party and other things I honestly didn't care about. He seemed to be leaving in a hurry, which I didn't question.

I hurried into my room and went to where I kept my art supplies. I looked everywhere for something that could save me money but had no luck. The truth is, I'll probably find something that will help me with this project after I buy everything and completely waste my money on it.

I sigh and get changed into normal clothes. Not that I really care, if I could go out in my pajamas I would but apparently that's Inappropriate and my pajamas Scare young children. Like those kids haven't seen a man in boxers before.

I make sure to grab my keys and wallet before I lock up my house. I've made that mistake before and let me tell you, it isn't fun having to get your brother who lives an hour away to come and let you into your own house. It wasn't even like I could ask my landlord for the keys because he was off fucking some kid high off his ass.

At least if someone needed me whilst I was in the middle of murdering someone I'd hide the body and help them out. My landlord needs to get his fucking shit together.

I walked down to the store and quickly grabbed everything I needed and payed. I knew nothing could go wrong with this plan as I looked over everything in my bag.


yeah im sorry i had absolutely no ideas for this chapter and tonight i was like "fuck it i need to post this no more waiting" so i finished it as it was im so sorry (also its fucking July 17th im so sorry i havent updated)

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