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Gerard's POV:

"Any last words?" I asked, holding a knife up to his neck. It was a shame that I had to kill him off, he was pretty attractive.

"Fuck you! I'm not gonna die." He spat out. His eyes only held fear in them, he and I both knew he was gonna die.

"What makes you think that?" I laughed darkly, how dare he think I'm not gonna kill him. He shook his head, tears clear in his eyes.

"We were best friends Gerard. What happened to that? What happened to the comic book nerd who only drew in the back of the class?" He realized what mistake he made afterwards as he looked up at me and was as pale as a ghost.

"Shit happens. That Gerard is long gone, and is probably never coming back." My voice cracked at the end. No. You cannot show any weakness. Weakness is bad Gerard. The voice in my head said.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at it, the voices getting louder. They kept repeating the phrase Kill Him. Over and over again, I knew they wouldn't stop once I killed him. They always do this, the voices win all the time. No hope in trying to stop them.

"Goodbye Bert." I laughed as I stuck the knife in his heart and kept on twisting it, watching him bleed out. The voices now repeating how good I killed him. I would do anything to make them stop.

I left Bert on the chair he was tied up in, I usually throw out the bodies when they stop bleeding. Since Bert had bled a lot before I killed him it'll only take an hour or so until he stopped bleeding.

I sat on the chair and sighed. Nice going Gerard, yet another dead. I have considered going to therapy and getting pills for this, but I always remember how I felt as a teen on them. No one in my family knows what I do, they think I only work for Cartoon Network. I do still work for them, I just cut down on hours.

I sat and flicked through the channels, nothing was on tonight. I just sat there looking into space, thinking about nothing and everything at the same time. My thinking session was interrupted when my phone started ringing from the counter.

I ran to the kitchen to grab my phone before it stopped ringing, when I looked at caller ID I saw it was Mikey calling me.

"Hey little bro." I said.

"Gerard I need your help. Everyone is helping me out on this, but we need your artist eye for this one." Wow get straight to the point Mikey.

"Depends on what it is, and if you'll pay for my gas." There was always a twist when Mikey needs something, meaning I'll probably be wasting a lot of gas on him.

"I need your help planning a surprise party for my friend Frank. I think you'll like him." Mikey took a deep breath and then said "AlsohelivesinyourareaimlikefiveminutesawayfromyourhouseandI'llbetheresoon."

He knew I hated when he showed up to my house without telling me. If I didn't have a dead body tied up to a chair in my living room right now, I would be okay with him coming over right now.

"Fuck okay, I gotta clean up then. Who's coming over?" I hope he wasn't bringing a lot of people. He knows I hate crowds.

"Just Ray and Bob." I let out a sigh of relief. I liked them both, but Ray did question and notice a lot. I'm scared I'll forget to clean up some blood and he'll notice it some day.

"Okay, well I gotta go." And then Mikey hung up.

I looked at Bert, who was still bleeding in the chair. I sighed and grabbed the most useless towel I had and put it over his wounds. He was still bleeding a lot, but I needed to throw him out quickly.

I grabbed the body bag from the closet by my front door and started stuffing his body inside it. I had a man who I paid to take the bodies out, but he usually came to my house a night for the bodies. He was a nice guy, he had a small band that was actually doing really well in the music business.

Reaching for my phone, I quickly brought up his contact and clicked the tiny phone icon next to his number. After a few rings, he finally picked up.

"Hello." His voice came through the line.

"My brother is coming over in like five minutes and I need you to take a body." We never had small talk, I usually got right to the point.

"I'll be there in a second." He lived a floor above me, which was nice for times like these.

I sat around for a minute or so, getting more anxious as time went on. I seriously thought I was gonna get caught when I heard a knock on the door. I was stupid enough to open it up without looking at who it was, it could've easily been Mikey and he would've saw Bert. This whole process would've been cut short if it had been Mikey.

It thankfully wasn't Mikey, and was infact Pete here to get the body.

"Here's $150 dude, just take the body." I rushed him inside and threw the body bag at him, well not really throw as it was a body and was really heavy.

Once the body was gone I moved the kitchen chair back into the kitchen and waiting for Mikey to come.

It only took a minute before someone was at the door, I opened it up and saw Mikey, Ray, and Bob. There was also someone new with them who I couldn't see at first as he was the shortest of them all.

He had shaved black hair with the shaved side bleached. He had hazel eyes that really suited him. He was weird a Misfits shirt with black skinny jeans. I could easily tell I was gonna get along with him. I had admit, he was really attractive.

I was gonna have a problem with the attractive part. Even I knew that.


A/N: so this isn't really a huge teaser for the book, but the actual first chapter won't be out for a few weeks as I have exams all month. I'll be pre-writing and updating when I get ideas but it won't have an updating day

((cover credits to normalityisalie ))

- Ocean

Instagram: fckboyiero
Twitter: nerd_phan
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