I won't explain

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I was so angry when I saw Suga.When he get out,my legs feel weak.Then Xiao,Jinhoo,Wei,Sunyeol,Kogyeol,Hwanhee come in and run toward me.They all look confuse..My  heart was beating like like crazy because of scare."hey..calm down"Luna pat my head.."can you explain to us?what happen?"Jinhoo said with confuse face

"I..I..I can't.."I said and hug my legs.."wait..what?..why?"Sunyeol said and lend to face me.."I just can't" I look away while tear keep falling on my cheek..

"Victoria..I think you are to much..why can't you told them?or should I told them..?"Amber said with her mad  voice.Her hand was in fist. "Amber...no."I said and glare at her.She roll her eye and kick the chair beside Sulli bed.Her manner was like a man.You know a gangster guy?

She bit her lower lips and leave with piss off face.

"Victoria please..explain?"Kogyeol said and sat down on the floor with me."I won't"I protest

"Look..I know you are mad or sad but can't you just told us what the things that happen?maybe we can help?"Xiao,Hwanhee and Wei join us sat down.

"Yes..you all can help but..I will never tell you all because it's.."I look down "dangerous"I mumble quietly "what?"Xiao come  closer to me.I smack his head "ouch!what was that for?!"He said and hold his head.   

"I said I can't.."I wipe my tear.Well even we are  enemy,we also close to up10tion member.They always taking care of us girl and always make us laugh.But when we are fighting,they din't punch us harshly but a little soft.Except Amber and Khun.When they are fighting,they will do it serious.Sometime,when we was so angry,we will punch and fight harshly.Never care about who we are.

After I've calm,they serve me like I'm a princess everything I want they will give it to me.

"I want to drink some water "I said and tried to stand up."No!let me.." Kogyeol said and quickly pure some water in the glass

I know they do that so I will tell them what happen."you know..even if you all do nice to me,I won't tell you all anything"I said and drink the water."what?no!we do this with love..because you are stress!"Krystal said and laugh.She look at them all."yes!that was absolutely right!"Hwanhee support "right guys?"Hwanhee look at them "yea!"..."yes!"..that what they said.

"Seriously guys..I won't tell even if you all beg"I said and cross my arm."about what?"Wooshin suddenly appear "about Suga pla-"I close my mouth "what?!plant?!he want to plant something?he should tell me..I can help him plant a beautiful flower or something."Sunyeol said with his cute confuse eye."no silly.."Wei smack his head

"Suga plan something on Sulli?"Gyujin said while crossing his arm and  leaning on the wall..

"No!I din't say about plan!"I said in frustrate "yea..you did"Khun said "No I din't.."I protest

"Yea you did"




"Umm..guys?"we look at Sulli."she's awake!"I said and look at Khun "your fault!"..I point at him."no!you!"he  point at me again


"No!..it's you!"



"Guys..stop!"Sulli yell.We look at her."stop fighting please..this is a hospital okay"she said and point at a poster that write 'please keep quiet' sign.

"By the way,why are you all here?"she said and yawn."I think you are sleepy"Sunyeol said and Sulli glare at him "answer me"She said with serious tone.It's like an angry tone but its not. "okay..we just want to visit you"Sunyeol said and pout.He cross his arm while pouting."why everyone keep angry at me?"he said make his cute sad  face "I'm not angry..I'm just asking"Sulli said and chuckle.

"Then don't make that scary voice"he said still pouting "arasseo"Sulli said and  Sunyeol smile widely."promise then"he  said and she nod "mm..yes I promise but..you can't make a problem or a something that make people angry"she said and  Sunyeol just nod. 

"Good boy"Sulli mess his hair."so?why did you two fighting?and-"she look around her room "where is Suga?"she ask make us silent.

"She keep a secret and din't want to tell us!"Hwanhee said and point at me "ya!..you brat!..I din't keep any secret!"I yell at him.."yes you did!"Khun suddenly shot me back "I din't talking with you!I was talking with Hwanhee!"I shot back "I help him talking"he said and glare at me.

I glare him  back."no you din't!you just want to make me angry!".."I just  support my hyung!"he came closer to me so do I..

I will never give up unless he was the one who will give up.We give a death glare at each other untill Sulli and Gyujin angry at us "you two stop it!"they said in unison we lool at them.

"Where is  Suga?"she ask me and I just look down."he left"Gyujin said and sit beside her bed."le..left?to where?"

"Of course go home..he tired"he said and take some water.He give it Sulli and they was so sweet husband and wife.She drink it and turn to me.

"So?tell me what happen?"Sulli said and they all look at me."I won't"I said

"Please?"Sulli said with her puppy eye.'no..Victoria..don't fall with her cuteness' "I won't"I said and look away

"Explain!"they all said in unison "I won't explain"I said and quickly tried  to walk out from the room before they beg at me again.But Xiao  and. Wei hold my arm and drag me toward Khun.He hold my both arm and make me face Sulli.

"Please don't kill me..I still want to live"I said and put my hand together.She  smile seeing my reaction."Happy?"I said and roll my eye "Nope..I'm not happy if you din't tell us..I mean explain"

I shook my head."never"I said and  tried to release my hand but failed.Khun hold me to tight.
"Can you let me go?"I said coldly "never..untill you tell us"he said then Amber cone in

"Victoria..just tell them.."she said glaring at me."what?"..I said

"Are you really want her to  suffer more?Do you really like seeing her suffer?can't you tell them?maybe they can help us ."I just stare at her.

"Amber..can I talk with you for a second?"I said and she protest "no! if you want to talk with me...You need to talk with them to"she said and take a back step.

"Find then...I won't tell you why I din't want to tell them"I said coldly and look at them with my anger face.They all look at me with fear expression.I use all my strenght to release from  Khun grip.And it's work!

I glare at Amber and she glare me back."Just tell them what you know about and you will never know what will happen after you told them.."I said passing her and roll my eye.I made my way to the door and I can feel they all glare at me.But I just ignore it.


After she get out,I look at Sulli and they all look at me."so?explain?"Wei said while crossing his arm

"I don't know"I said and look down.'just tell them what you know about and you will know what will happen after you told them'..Victoria word keep playing in my mind.That make me  scare and I was afraid to tell them.

"I thought you know about it"Jinhoo said and sat on the sofa that place beside the windows."I won't tell you all"I mumble

"You better"Kogyeol suddenly whisper in my ear make me jump."Stop making me scare!"I shout

"Tell us!"he shot me "Never!"I shot back.So this  is what Victoria felt.But what did she mean whit her work just now?

Hey guys...how the story?boring?awesome?did you all  enjoy it or maybe its  bad?

Anyway..comment!so I can fix my other chapter.I will accept negative comments if its can make my another story good.

Love you all guys!^_^

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