The welcome back party & the game

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Onew (pov)

I think..I need to break up with Sulli.If I keep disturbing her when she was trying hard not to fall for Gyujin and if I'm still with her,it's hard for her to find a way.Beside,she still love Suga.Also,I can't do my job if I still had a relationship with her.It's hard for me.I will not tell her about my job but I will just tell her about something else.She will understand and agree with my decision.I'M SORRY SULLI.I STILL LOVE YOU BUT THIS IS THE BEST.

Suga hit my lightly on my shoulder.I look at him."why are you serious?"I give him a weak smile."nothing..just to much thinking"I said and look at Gyujin who wearing white shirt walking downstairs.

"Hey hyung.."he said and stand beside me."owh..Hye"I smile..'I will break up with her when I was ready'..

"Where is Sulli?"I ask and he give me a teasing smile "what?"I said confuse "uuu...miss her already hu?"he laugh "it''s not that..I..I..just asking.."I said and blush a little."Awwh..hyung"Suga laugh.They stop laughing then glaring each other.Gyujin start to tease me again.


I was teasing with Onew when suddenly..Wooshin drag me toward all my member.They all close their mouth to hold their laugh."what?what is it?"I ask confuse yet serious.

"Hyung"Bit-to hold my shoulder I look at him confuse."how did you feel when you saw her body?"Jinhoo said with curious face

I sigh."seriously hyung..I'm not a pervert.".."no..of course not but..when I saw her body just now it's"I hit Kogyeol head.

"Pervert"I said and he hold his head."sorry for disturbing you two just now in your bedroom"Wei tease me."Ya!are you crazy!it's just misunderstanding okay"I said pisses off yet shy.'that was shame'.They all laugh.

After their tease me for 15 minute Sulli come down.I look at her with normal face.They clear their throat.I look at them with piss off face."oops there she is"Khun said grinning."ya!"I shout.

Sulli walk toward her brother Min Ho.

She look at me then smirk then she hit her mouth..What wrong with this girl?


I walk toward my brother.When I saw Gyujin,my lips automatic smirk.I hit my mouth.'stupid!' I din't realize that I've already arrive at my brother direction.I bump into him.

I blink twice."Sulli?are you okay?why are you-"he stop when he look at Gyujin " I know"he smirk."Know?know what?"I said confuse.

"You already fall in love right?"he tease."oppa!"I pout then cross my arm.I turn at my left then saw my member."arasseo..arasseo..I'm just kidding"he said and I just smile at him and run toward my member.I back hug Krystal make her shock and she quickly turn around to see me.

Luna quickly hug me.They all hug me full of happy expression.I hug them back."Eonnie..I miss you"Krystal said and smile.We make a group hug.We broke the hug and Amber hand me a bottle of soju.Victoria take a silver spoon then hit it softly at the glass.The glass make a soft and loud sound.She take everyone attention.

"Sorry for interrupting you all but let's celebrate this happy come back day untill we satisfied!"Victoria said and they all clap their hand excitedly.

"First!let's play a game!"she shout then they all jump excitedly.We make a big circle around the table that full with beer,Soju and a beef."so here the condition.First,we will choose one person.Then the person that we choose,we will give them a person name.They need to make a sentence with the name.If they can't make a sentence in 5 second ,they need to drink that big glass beer.You can't reject the person name that we gave you.okay?"we all nod.And clap hand excitedly.

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