Chapter Eighteen: Aritha

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I'm rather disappointed with the lack of response in the last chapter... It almost makes me not want to continue on writing:/ 65 reads, 6 votes and only 2 comments? That makes me cry on the inside :'( Especially since it was nine pages!

Thanks to the two of you that did.

Also, I'm changing the main characters' last name. It was Bolen, but now it's  Fernheart. I'll be going back and changing it in my chapters. I needed something more... original.


"Dream Walking isn't something you should fool with child," a womanly voice spoke to me. I whipped my head around fast enough to make me cringe. Air that was all I saw.

"You'll see me when I want you to child." the wind blew gently through my hair. I was standing in an open meadow. I'd never been here before but it just seemed so familiar.

"In your dreams your subconscious takes various images that you've seen and make them your reality. Ever had a dream that seemed so real and so detailed that it's like déjà vu? It's because it is real.

"Have you ever seemed like you've dreamed the same dream as your friends? The dreams seem to be exact same, down to the very last detail? You seem to know what comes next in the dream.

"My child, it's no coincidence. You've been blessed. You walk among humans, vampires, werewolves, witches, nymphs, fairies, and so much more. You are so naïve to your heritage."

I gasped. Whoever she was, she was seriously scaring me. There was no way those things could be real. I mean ya people are crazy and tend to think they are vampires, but that's all because of those crazy vampire movies and all of the books that were written about those things.

"Wh-who are you?" I voiced my question in a rather shaky manor.

A light and careless laugh echoed through the meadow. "My name child is Aritha. It means 'one who walks in daylight'. I'm really just a vague memory in the back of some minds... Idol in many... Devil in a few. To you I am like your subconscious. I'm always with even though you may not wish it."

Bewildered wasn't even the right term to describe how I really felt at the moment. When you start hearing voices and what not in your dreams, isn't that a sign your going crazy?

I guess it would be debatable.

"I don't get it. Am I going crazy?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. It is up to y-"


"Wake up."

A stinging pain rippled through my body followed by the foul taste of a nasty metallic taste. I opened my eyes very slowly just to snap them shut again. A bright light was directly above me rendering me blind. I tried moving but my captors had me bound to the table. Cold metal cuffs bound me to a even more cold metal table. My legs were spread and my arms were outstretched.

"I said wake up!"

Again a stinging sensation made its way through my body after a husky hungry voice commanded me to wake up. I clench my jaw before swallowing the foul taste in my mouth. I blinked several time and was actually able to keep my eyes open. They had moved the light so that I was now able to see.

I observed my surroundings carefully, taking note of any possible exit.

The room I was in was a dark and dreary room. There were no windows and only one door. One door that I presumed was heavily guarded, but I was just guessing on that. It appeared to be that I was in a basement. Pipes ran along the roof and every so often water fell from the pipes landing on the earthy floor. It smelt like must in here.

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