The Butler

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Just as I was about to close my eyes, a male voice caused me to jump.

"Excuse me little miss, but, are you alright?"

My eyes snap open, and I am caught staring into a crimson-eyed man's face.  "I am sorry to startle you, but you looked like you were crying..." 

"N-No, sir...I was not, now go away." Looking away, I notice the rain stopped leaking through my box, and I look back to see him holding his umbrella over it. "What are you doing?" My ears flatten to my head, getting shivers from the sudden lack of rain.

"Why, you are a cat." His eyes brighten happily, and a kind smile spreads across his face. "At first I stopped to see if you were alright, but, now that I see you are a cat, I must get you out of this dreadful rain." He holds his hand out as if trying to get me out.

"You didn't answer my question," I whisper, looking away. "And I am a half cat. I do not know what else I am, though." His hand pulls back, and I notice he has a bag with him. He gingerly picks a small piece of bread out, laying it near me. 

"I am simply being a gentleman." The man scoots the bread a bit closer to me. "Go on. Eat it. You look hungry there little miss." A bit of his raven hair falls over his face, and it makes his handsome features stand out a bit more, and he smiles kindly again.

"I-I am. Th-Thank you sir." I crawl out a bit and grab it, moving back to my corner and slowly take a bite. 

The rancidness left over from the fish disappears, and I am left with the sweet and soft taste and texture of the bread, making my stomach growl for more. To be polite, I eat it slowly, savoring every bite I take.  I notice his eyes watching me, not a kind gaze, but not a harsh one either. Just one that shows he is possibly trustworthy.

"No need to thank me, and no need to be polite. This rain will continue for a few days. I can tell." The man sighs. "By the way, what is your name little miss?" He looks at me a bit curiously, almost like a child would look at a new toy. 

"I will give you my name if you give me yours stranger," I say, finishing the bit of bread he gave me. "That is a rule I stick to when I am found."

"My name is Sebastian Michaelis. I am a butler of the Phantomhive Estate, and that is a very good rule to have little miss. Now, do kindly tell me your name, please." He runs a gloved hand through his wet hair.

"M-My name is Mary. Mary Ann." I stand up and curtsy, coming out of the box a little bit, but am still very cautious. The man named Sebastian then notices my tail and smiles widely. "W-What?"

"You are just the most-" He stops and clears his throat. "Are you really out here by yourself in this rain? You could get sick, and being by yourself when you are sick is not a good thing. I can offer you a bit of shelter for the night back at my master's manor. If you would like to come and get cleaned up with a new dress as well."

"With all due respect sir, I have to kindly decline. No matter how tempting the offer is, I cannot trust people that well. You seem like a nice man, but I do not know you well." Sebastian's eyes looked a bit hurt then, then he holds a hand back out to me.

"Please miss Mary. I am very fond of cats and can assure you, no harm shall befall you whilst in my care. I can promise you that." His smile returns, and I look at his hand. 

He says I can trust him. He promises nothing will happen to me. No one has promised me that before I trusted them. I may as well, just for one night. "A-Alright sir. Just for tonight, though..." I climb onto his hand, and his eyes light up.

"Thank you, miss." Why was he thanking me? I didn't do anything. His hand moves carefully up to his chest, and the umbrella moves back over us both. He was handling me like a doll. One that could shatter at the wrong touch, and I actually like it.

"I-I don't know what I did, but you are welcome." I look up at him, and he glances at me but begins walking. 

It was eerily silent for a few minutes until I worked up the nerve to speak to this stranger. "What is he like? Your master?" His crimson eyes seem to flash pink, but I ignore it for now. "I am sorry to pry, I am simply trying to make conversation." I look at the ground below and gasp, holding onto his glove.

Hearing a soft chuckle, I look up to see him smirking at me. "Oh dear. Afraid of heights are we? Don't worry, I won't drop you." Sebastian sighs. "And my master, in a word, stubborn. Selfish, annoying. All these things, yet I still put up with him for what he will give me one day." A bit curious as to what that something is, I ask, but try to be as subtle as possible.

"That something must be a pretty big something to make you stay. I wouldn't be able to put up with that if it were me." I look ahead of us.

"It is. And you are not going to know what that is, considering, I don't know you." He says in a mocking tone towards me. "Now you tell me something. Why were you crying earlier?" 

I freeze and look down. "It was a memory of something from 11 years ago, but it still haunts me quite a bit. I will tell you another time possibly if I stay again." I look down and sigh softly.

I can feel his eyes on me, but I do not look, for I am tearing up again and I do not want him to see. "Miss Mary, it is alright now. Whatever memory haunts you, do not let it worry you know." 

As I nod, I look up at him then turn back to look in front of me, just as a huge manor comes into view. "Oh my, it's absolutely gorgeous!"


Alright, you guys wanted it, so I gave it to you! I will only update if people want me to, so, that's that. Comment if you want me to!

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now