Memory or Dream

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His eyes were glowing, the knife was held tightly in his hand, and I was sitting on the floor feeling utterly useless. Sebastian is fighting my battles for me, and he really shouldn't be. But, what could I do about it? A wave of guilt passed over me as I watched helplessly.

"Dear me. Perhaps the demon does care about the kitty hmm?" The yellow eyed demon chuckles. 

"Claude, you must have a death wish to show up in my masters manor. Especially to get someone I've sworn to protect." Sebastian's eyes go to me for only a second before turning back to this 'Claude.'  "And when I swear, I mean it."

Claude chuckles darkly, sending shivers down my spine. "Really? Protect the one who has been sold off? Who has been beaten by the previous Earl Trancey?" I pause and look up at him.

"The...previous, Earl Trancey? Th-There's another one?" I stand up on the floor, Sebastian looking at me.

"Of course. There is his son. Alois Trancey. And in case you didn't know, you just escaped. You are still property of the Trancey Estate. I have come to take what is rightfully my masters, considering he inherited everything when his father passed away from an infection. That would mean...take a guess. Come now. What does that mean for you?"

Sebastian glares at him, throwing him against the wall. "She belongs to no one Claude. She has said it before, and I would never let your vile master get his hands on her. She is my kitten. Mine. And that wouldn't change at all. She may be small, but she is sweet, and kind, and more then you could ever bargain for. Her heart and soul are both pure and troubled. And you may want to leave before I lose my temper." 

There was a fire in Sebastian's eyes. It could be anger, but then again I have been wrong before.I have never seen anyone like this before. He says I belong to no one, yet he says I am his. I don't quite understand what he means, but my heart hammers the more I think about it. 

"It's sickening Michaelis." Claude says, glaring at him, his own eyes glowing now. "No demon should care for anyone for real. You are only supposed to form a contact, then get the soul once the job is done." Claude's eyes turn to me. "Hmm. Perhaps I can make that job easier." 

He pulls a golden knife from his pocket, throwing at me. I felt the blade slice open my shoulder. I could feel the dress get heavier as it soaked up the blood. I could smell the iron scent of the blood. The pain was unlike any other pain i have ever felt. Sebastian called my name, but at the moment all I could think about was this. I stood there, frozen in my place out of fear and shock. 

I was only able to watch as Sebastian and this other demon fought. Knives being thrown at him and me, Sebastian stopping the ones aimed at me. Eventually he landed a good blow on Claude's arm, and Claude fled, and Sebastian's attention is drawn back to me.

"Mary!" He calls, but it was muffled over my own heartbeat. "Mary!" Again, though, a little clearer. Warm, gloved hands scoop me up, laying me down on his bed. "Mary, please, speak to me. Your eyes are glazed over, you've lost a lot of blood. Please, say something."

"S-Something..." I whisper, looking at him. The worry and actual fear on his face.But he managed a smile when I said that. "I-It was j-just a shoulder w-wound. I-I should be o-okay, right?"

"You will be okay. I made a promise remember?" He takes off his gloves, laying a finger on my wound. "It's very deep, I'll have to give you stitches. Though I'd have to be careful."

I didn't hear what he said. Instead, my vision was now blurry from the tears that had started going down my face as the word around grew darker. I was fading quickly. "S-Seba-" I wasn't even able to say his name as my eyes closed, for what I believe is my final time.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

Her eyes closed before I could do anything, sending my first taste of real panic shooting through my body. I'll kill him. I'll kill that Claude. Even if she doesn't die. "Come on little miss. I made a promise. Don't make a liar out of me. I never lie."

Stitches. How am i supposed to do that? Sighing, I walk to a desk drawer, finding the smallest needle I could find and very thin thread. I have to be careful otherwise, I could be the one to end her life.

I carefully only pull her dress down enough to get to her shoulder, and I carefully thread the needle and begin. Slowly, carefully, steadily. One slip up, and I could break my promise even more than I already have. "Please be okay.."

Mary's P.O.V.

There was fire everywhere. Smoke and ash. Looking around, I could see bars. I was in another cage. No, not another. I know this, but, what is it? There were screams of terror, but also pain. Looking to my right, there were just more cages. But to my left, there was a boy in the cage beside me. He couldn't have been more then 6 yeas old.

He turns his head and stares at me for a moment, and I am shocked to what I see. Cat ears and a tail. Like me. There is another out there, just like me. I would have to find them, but how am I going to? 

" careful out there. The others have said the outside is cruel. But just run. I'll find you one day, I promise." 

My voice was younger, and I wasn't able to control what I was saying. I wanted to say so much more, but all I could say was. "But John, if we can't find each other, what will we do?" John...John...why did that name sound familiar?" 

Just then, he is grabbed by a man in a lab coat, and then I look up, something falling and hitting me in the head. The world goes dark again.

There is a sudden light as I open my eyes, I then look to my shoulder as it's been delicately stitched. Looking down, I see my dress was changed too. "S-Sebastian...?" I whisper. I then look to my side, seeing the crimson eyed demon watching me, a look of relief on his face.

His voice was soft as he spoke, and I could tell he truly meant it. "Mary Ann, don't do that again. I thought I lost you."

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now