To The Death

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It's starting to get close to the end...if you want to vote and tell me what you think, you better do it soon.


Mary's P.O.V.

I cling onto him as he sprints through night, me held close to his chest when he stops, Claude right in front of us and I tremble violently, then get an idea. "C-Claude, h-help me, please..." I could feel Sebastian staring at me and I never look. "Th-This man is kidnapping me, please don't let him take me..."

Claude nods. "Of course Mary, the master wouldn't let me either way." He began to walk over, and I look at Sebastian who looked shocked. 

I could almost hear his thoughts through his eyes. That look of confusion, saying 'What's going on?' And that look of anger, which I hope isn't directed to me. I give him a look and he blinks a few times as if understanding then smirks. "She was mine first Claude."

"But she doesn't remember you Michaelis." Claude smirks and keeps walking. "Mary, can you get away from him?"

Now that he is in, I better play along. "H-Had me first?" I look at Sebastian. "Who are you?" My acting isn't the best, but it seems to be working. I then struggle and Sebastian grabs me. "No, I-I can't!"

"My name is Sebastian. Mary, you have to remember!" He looks at me, frowning. I start to wonder if he knows I'm acting or not, but frown.

"I don't know you!" I growl.



I look, Alois and Ciel standing there, both of them having their arms crossed. I look at Ciel and can't help but smile. "Ciel. I don't think I've ever been happier to see someone who doesn't really like me."

He looks at me and smirks. "Really? Are you sure about that? Me and Alois made a deal Sebastian. You and Claude will fight. The one who lives, gets her. Now, Sebastian, it's an order. Don't lose."

Sebastian bows and sets me on the ground, taking his mask off and skillfully tosses it so it hangs from a tree. "Yes, my lord." The demon then looks at me and can probably see the worry on my face as he kneels with a hand over his heart in front of me. "Little miss, I must ask you not to worry. It will all become clear.

"S-Sebastian. I don't want you to get hurt." I grab his pant leg and he sighs. "Don't be upset with me, you've been upset with me a lot."

"I will speak with you in a few moments little miss." He looks at me and smiles softly before he reaches into his costume coat, pulling out several silver knives, Claude pulling out several golden ones. "Shall we Claude?"

"Very well, Michaelis." A golden knife flies and Sebastian dodges, smirking.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

This is it then. If I am to die now, I failed my master, and my kitten. "Aw, you're going to have to o better than that Claude. After all, I am, one hell of a butler." 

"You forget, I too am one hell of a butler Michaelis. Highness, is there any order you want from me?"

I turn to look at Alois, which was a mistake because a gold knife flies past, just skimming my cheek and I hear Mary cry out a bit and I look at her and wink, my master having given me an order before this.

"Sebastian!" She looks up to me, and I can see the worry in her eyes. 

"Don't worry little miss." I smile and dodge as another knife flies past my head and Claude frowns.

"You've gotten faster since we last fought." 

"Well, this is my kitten after all. I'm not letting her go." I look at her again and smile, aware Hannah is sneaking up behind me but can't do anything as the fear and worry fills Mary's eyes even more. 

I felt the pain before anything else as Hannah stabs me through the back. I could feel the blood soak my costume. Damn, it will take a lot of time to clean it. I knew what was happening, as the darkness took over, and my eyes close.

Mary's P.O.V.

"S-Sebastian!" I scream as the realization hits me. Hannah just killed him. I look at Ciel who stood there in shock, and Alois who claps happily. 

"Very good Hannah!" He giggles then looks at me, but I ignore him, going over to Sebastian and lay a hand on his cheek. 

"S-Sebastian, no, please. Y-You can't be.." I push a piece off his raven hair off his face, a bit of blood trickling from his mouth and his eyes closed. He looked...peaceful. Even for a demon. "Please wake u-up..." I lightly kiss his cheek, frowning. "I still love you." I whisper, able to feel the tears start to well as it hits more, that Sebastian is dead.

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now