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Slowly, I sit up and look up at him. "Sebastian, it wasn't my fault." I then look at the dress, noticing it's the deep blue one we got earlier. "Is the Earl safe at least? Claude didn't bother him at all?"

"No, thankfully. I did blindfold myself once again though to dress you. I can mend the other dress after I wash the blood out." I am carefully lifted off the bed and held close to the demon. "I'm just glad I got here in time. And I apologize I couldn't stop the knife."

"It's not your fault Sebastian. Really." I snuggle against his chest, purring softly. "I'm just happy you kept your promise." I then remember what he had said.

She is my kitten. Mine.

"Um, Sebastian, what you had said about me being your kitten, what did you mean exactly?" I could feel my cheeks grow hot.

He sighs softly. "I didn't mean it. I was simply hoping to distract him enough to hopefully kill him, but that didn't happen." 

There was a sharp pain in my chest when he said those words. "Y-You didn't mean it? Do you not truly care about me?" This couldn't be his words. It couldn't be.

"I'm afraid I was only acting on the promise I made. I would have let you die if I hadn't been forced into a promise I didn't want to make." 

This isn't right. What is he saying? This isn't right. "S-Sebastian, b-but you could have said no..." I could feel the tears fighting to break free. "P-Please say you are lying...Just a second ago you were so nice to me..."

"I decided to give up the act." I was dropped onto the bed, wincing then hold my shoulder. The pain in my chest grew stronger, and my eyes were burning.

"O-Oh...I-I see." I stand up on the bed, frowning as the tears welled up in my eyes. "Y-You could have just said so. I-I'll be outside." I look at the window which was slightly open again, and I pull myself up with my free hand onto the window sill and look at Sebastian.

"Little Miss, what are you doing?" He sounded so emotionless. cruel. This wasn't the Sebastian I had grown to really love, but, I guess that Sebastian doesn't truly exist.

"I'm going outside. If you can't find's because I left. I guess your job would be easier without me." I use the same vines to climb down and out the window, having to be more careful so I didn't fall. The demon just watched me through the window, then closed it right after I got to the ground. 

I was heartbroken, afraid, alone once again. The pain in my chest grew stronger and I run off towards the woods, hiding in a bush breaking into tears. I am so lost and confused, I don't know what to do. I can't even remember that dream I had. I look at the dress and continue crying until I hear a strange noise nearby.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

I watched as she climbed out the window, feeling horrible about what I just did. I'm afraid of my own feelings, and sent her off like that. I can't believe that I said this. Her face. That hurt look. The tears. Damn it. I better find her soon, Claude is still out there. 

Standing up, I quickly leave my room and move quickly down the steps, out the door, into the garden and look around. I see her by a bush, but she was talking to something...or someone. "Mary?" 

She turns and looks at me, and as soon as she sees me her eyes fill with tears and she looks away. "O-Oh, I-I didn't think you would come." 

I frown and walk over, the bush moving. "What is in there?" I go to pull back the leaves when she grabs my glove. 

"Sebastian, he is scared of people. Let alone demons. And you don't care what happens to me, so why would you care anyway?" She lets go and looks at the bush. "This is Sebastian. He has helped me a little bit, but then I already told you the rest."

It moves again, and a figure slowly comes out. I blink, looking at him. He was her size, with ears and a tail. He was whatever she was, and I felt a twinge of jealousy. What if she were to fall for him? I'd be out of the picture.

"I-I'm John.." The scared voice of this man comes out quietly.  "I-I knew Mary b-before she lost her m-memory." She looks at him, seeming startled.

"John. We were friends. Separate cages. The fire, the smoke." She blinks as if memories were flooding back. "I was in a cage for 6 years. My parents. You. My parents were killed when I was 6 years old. And you were with me..." 

Mary wasn't making much sense, but John was nodding, then hugs her. I frown, narrowing my eyes but sigh. "Mary, I-I have to say, I'm sorry for being that way. I didn't know how much it would hurt you, and Claude is still out there." I kneel down and hold my hand out. She looks at me then nods, sitting on my palm. 

"Sebastian, can John come in too?" I look at her, then to him and sigh softly, picking him up with my free hand and going inside quickly.

Mary's P.O.V.

I can't believe it! There is someone else like me! It's just so exciting, and the best part, I got my memories back! They will probably come in dreams too though. I look at John and smile. "It's great that you found me. I had a weird flashback about you at one point. I was in a cage. There was fire everywhere. There was a man in a lab coat who grabbed you, then I got hit in the head and it all went black. Then I woke up."

"That was your last memory. When you were hit in the head, they took you and me out to an alley. Then I was grabbed by some man, and they thought you were dead." John sighs, then looks nervously at Sebastian. I look at him as well.

He seemed to be serious when he apologized, but he still broke my heart saying such things. And now there is John, who was comforting me, and who I've apparently known since I was a child. And that is all I need to know to know that I can trust him. "Sebastian are you really sorry you said those things to me?"

The demon nods and I smile slightly, knowing demons don't lie at all. But I can't forgive him just yet. "I can't forgive you yet. I'm sorry Sebastian, but, you know how I felt for you." John looks at me.

"What about the size difference? How would that work out?" He looks between me and Sebastian.

"I never thought about it like that." I mutter and think a moment. I then look to Sebastian, who seemed to be thinking the same way.  "Maybe you're right John. Perhaps I fell for the wrong one. He is my friend, yes. Maybe that's what it was. I love him as a friend." I forgot he was here, though I was in his hand, then cover my mouth and look at Sebastian.

"You...really did love me?" Sebastian looks at me and frowns. He then seems to want to tell me something. 

"Mary...I have to confess something." He sighs softly, John and me listening quietly. "I'll be honest. My master told me to act this way. Most of the affectionate talk and other things were order until recently."

I freeze and stare at him. "A-An order...?"

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now