Dreaming a Threat

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Mary's P.O.V.

As he uttered those two words, I felt a surge of relief pass through my body. His words were sincere, and he was serious. He is my one true friend, other than Emma was. A smile crosses my face and I sigh softly. "Thank you, Sebastian." I murmur, and he pets my ears. 

"Now go back to sleep, please. I have to clean up the kitchen and begin breakfast. I again promise." Sebastian smiles and stands up, covering me with his handkerchief.  "Relax, it was just a dream." 

"But Sebastian, it felt so real. It didn't feel like a dream at all." I grab onto his sleeve before he can pull his arm away. "You can't leave me until I fall asleep. Please." 

"Alright." He gives in as he looks down at me. "But only until you fall asleep." With that, he lays a couple fingers on my head, and I suddenly feel very tired. 

"W-What's that..?" I ask softly as my eyes become heavy. "What a-are you doing to me?" My eyes close, and I find myself asleep before I know it. It must be something demons can do, making people sleep.


I open my eyes and look around. The room was dark and the only light was dim and from the window. It must have been night, and that was moonlight sneaking through the window. I try to move, and a sharp pain in my neck makes me stop. I slowly raise a hand to my neck, finding a metal collar and I frown. Where's Sebastian? He would never let this happen to me.

Something tugs on the collar and I turn, seeing a long chain leading up to a hand. I gasp, then follow the hand to an arm, the arm to a shoulder. "Where am I?" I say softly, and a deep voice chuckles. 

"So you can talk. I was starting to wonder. My master was right to want you, and I plan on getting you for him. Perhaps the name 'Trancey' rings a few bells?" 

That name. That was a name I never wanted to hear again. "N-No. I-I don't know who you are talking about." I lie, hoping he doesn't notice I am.

"Liar." He says, his voice becoming more sinister. "You do know. You remember this collar. The Doberman. All of it." I look up at where the voice is coming from. 

"Show yourself you coward," I say, though my voice sounded weak and small. It was a man, that's all I could know. But he seemed not to care.

"You want to see what I look like? Do you want to see what face will rip you from Sebastian's arms?  Or possibly rip his arms off?" I don't like these threats.

I cover my ears, but the voice continues. "If that demon interferes, I will kill him. And the Earl, and the Lady Elizabeth." He chuckles darkly, then a figure emerges from the shadows.

Looking at this figure, I can see they are about how tall Sebastian would be. Also in a butler uniform, but then I get to the face. He is wearing glasses, and his eyes are golden. I don't understand quite well just who this man is. Just then, his eyes turn demonic, just like Sebastian's do.

I work up enough courage whilst struggling to pull the chain away to speak again. "You will not lay a hand on them! They have done nothing!" 

The collar digs into my skin, and I can feel the blood flowing, creating a new scar. "If they interfere, they will die." A hand closes around my waist, and I struggle in the tight grip to try and get away. "Resisting won't do you any good." He chuckles darkly again. 

His grip tightens, and I cry out in pain. "L-Let me go!"  I can feel my air being cut off, and I can't struggle anymore. My vision becomes blurry and I start thinking. 

Mary, relax. Remember this is a dream. It's a dream...it's a dream...it's a dream...

The grip tightens again and I gasp. It sure didn't feel like a dream. This was real, but how?! I need to wake up! Someone wake me up! Please! I can normally force myself to wake up, but I can't! Sebastian! Someone wake me up! 

"Mary...?" There was a faint voice. "Mary?" It calls again. I can hear it. I need to wake up. "Mary!"

I suddenly open my eyes and look up into the worried face of Sebastian. "Mary, are you awake?!" 

I nod slowly, realizing I am gasping for air. "S-Sebastian...I-I don't know what that was..." I say in between deep breaths.

"You were struggling for breath and almost screaming in your sleep. What on earth were you dreaming about? What kind of nightmare was that?"

"I don't think it was a nightmare, Sebastian. It was too real. It was real." I look up at him, shaking like a leaf and stand up, but there was a pain in my sides like I really was being squeezed.

"Nightmares aren't real." He pets my ears lightly, then picks me up. "Do I have permission to try and comfort you?" He murmurs softly, and I nod. 

"Yes. You have permission." The dream was becoming fuzzy. Like something was forcing me to forget, but Sebastian was petting my ears and holding me close to him, in a comforting way. "Sebastian, it was scary. I really couldn't breathe."

"Mary, it had to have been a shock from the dream. I promise, nothing was in here. When I got here, you were screaming almost and crying, and I thought you were awake but you weren't. That's when I started to wake you up." He holds me in a way that almost seems like a hug, but I brush it off although my heart was hammering and I am sure there was a blush on my face. 

"Sebastian, it wasn't a dream! I don't even remember it now!" Cuddling up to him, I look at him as he checks his pocket watch. 

"It's time for breakfast. Do you wish to get dressed? And we can go seek accommodations for you in town. I won't let anything happen since you are under my care." He sighs and looks at me.

"Accommodations?" I look up at him. "What kind of accommodations?" 

"I mean, clothes, a bed your size perhaps, a tub, vanity, dresser." He smiles kindly at me. "The master wants me to if you are going to be staying."

"I'm allowed to stay?!" I say excitedly, and Sebastian nods. "Oh good! I'd gladly go and get stuff to make it livable for me!"

He nods. "Alright. Then let's go get you breakfast shall we?" He adjusts me so I am in his hand, and I sit on my knees in his palm. 

"Okay, Sebastian." And as we left the room, I got an uneasy feeling like we were being watched, but I have to brush it off until later. I didn't know though that that would be a big mistake later.

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now