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It's been a week since I had that first dream. And every night, I have the almost exact same dream, each time only what he says is different. Last night he said he was getting closer, and Sebastian insists it is a dream, but I can tell he isn't as sure as the first night. But no matter what, every night I wake up, his worried face is always right there, then his soft gloves are always holding me. I feel like I am caught in a spider's web, and the more I struggle, the more stuck I'll become.

At the moment, I am sitting on Ciel's desk in his study. I don't know what he wanted me for, but it never ends well.

"Sebastian brought you here because I told him to. Now, I want to ask you a few questions. And I can tell if you are lying or not, so do be honest. Or there will be a punishment. That I ca promise you." The Earl laces his fingers together and sets his chin on them, looking at me.

"Punishment sir?" I ask hesitantly, then glance at Sebastian who was standing in the corner quietly. If he wasn't there, I wouldn't feel safe at the moment. "A-And what reason would I have to lie?"

"You seem frightened." He smirks. "What makes you frightened? Your size? Your past? Me?" Still smirking, he lays his hands on the desk on either side of me in fists, causing me to back up.

"Master, perhaps if you want answers, it would be wise not to spook her. Her nightmares are getting worse, and she has barely slept." Sebastian speaks up, walking over and looks down at me. 

"Nightmares? Barely sleeping?" The Earl looks at me. "Do tell. I am intrigued." 

"With all due respect Lord Phantomhive, I cannot tell." I look at him, my ears drooping a bit and my tail swishes slowly and nervously behind me.

"And why not? I have ways of making someone talk. Tell me." He stands up and looks at Sebastian. "If she doesn't talk, hit her." 

The tension in the room became very thick. I could almost feel the anger radiating from Sebastian. "H-Hit me..? B-But I don't know a lot of things about me." I look at Sebastian. "And he wouldn't ever hurt me. I think."

Sebastian looks back at me, then to Ciel. " that a direct order?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He promised he would never hurt me and he promised to protect me. I look up at him fearfully, and he frowns. 

"Yes, Sebastian. That is a direct order." The Earls' voice was stern, and I can't help but shake fearfully. 

"I can't tell you about my nightmares because I barely remember them. I-I swear I wouldn't lie about something like that! Please." I hug my shoulders and look at Sebastian, then to the Earl.

"Very well. I don't believe you. Sebastian, you know what to do." 

I look at Sebastian as his hand raises and frown, then close my eyes tightly, waiting for the demon's hand to strike me. But there wasn't one. 

"Young Master. I can't. I have to refuse this order. I can't hit her. I just can't." Opening my eyes, I can see the shocked look on the Earls' face. "Master, there is something about her that holds me back from doing so. I am not one to be soft but look at her. She's very scared. And I made a a demon." I couldn't help but feel happy at his words, and then I look at the Earl.

"Sebastian. Did you make her a promise? As a demon? It's not often of you to do that. What exactly did you promise her?"

"I promised that I would protect her and never hurt her. And as a demon, I never break my promises. My word is my bond." He lays a hand over his heart and bows. 

I smile widely and look up at him. "Thank you, Sebastian. And I am telling the truth. I don't remember anything before my 6th birthday. That is the truth Sir, Sebastian. Please believe me."

"Master, she seems too desperate to be lying. Perhaps we should believe her."  

I jump as a hand slams down near me. "Shut up demon." The Earl growls and then looks at me. "Why am I supposed to believe a word you say? You're just a stray cat Sebastian found."

"Master." Sebastian's voice was stern as he said this.

I don't know why this hit me so hard, but it was true. I was just someone out on the street who this butler found and too in. Who this butler has taken care of like I was a stray once. And I am still a stray. I belong to no one, and I will keep it that way. I have to say something.

"I am a stray. And proud of it. It means I belong to no one, tied to no leash. Unlike the guard dog. Tied to the queen and obeying every order like a trained mutt. After all, being half cat, I dislike dogs. Which is probably why you and I don't get along very well. Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's Guard Dog." This may have been taking it too far, but it felt good to say this for some reason. Until I saw the look on his face. 

"You dare speak to me that way?" He frowns, then turns to the window, letting out a light chuckle. "Quite brave. Or foolish to speak to someone that way in their own home. Especially when they have a demon butler. But I have to say, I admire it. I would never have expected you to say things like that to me. Perhaps I was wrong about you." He then sneezes and growls. "Now if only this blasted allergy wasn't real."

I was surprised at this. I thought for certain he as going to hit me or something. But, he admires the way I stood up to him. I can't help but feel proud of myself, and I look to Sebastian who seemed a bit proud too, though why would he?

"Mary, is it?" The Earl turns back to me. 

"Y-Yes sir."

"Tell me something. How old are you exactly, if you can't remember anything before your 6th birthday."

"I am 18 years old. And that is true. The first thing I can remember is waking up starving on the pavement of an alley." I look at him, then gloved hands scoop me up and I look at Sebastian and smile. 

"I see." The Earl looks at me. "And please, it's Ciel. No need to call me sir, that would have been my father. Sebastian, take her back to her room, then get her ready to get her accommodations. She is staying with us now."

I don't know why he waited a week, but, this is making me happy. "Oh thank you, sir! I mean, Ciel!" I smile at him and he nods, a hint of amusement on his face. 

"Of course. Now, get dressed in something else, then go ahead and go get the things. Keep her safe when in town Sebastian." 

The butler nods and carries me out of the study, then looks at me. "It was foolish to speak to him like that."

"Sebastian, I had to say something. I couldn't just let him talk to me that way. And it felt good. I didn't care if he hurt me, I was just glad to have said something." 

He nods, and with that walks to his room, the way there quiet and I sat thinking, trying to remember the dreams.


Woohoo! Hope you are enjoying the close together updates! Please tell me if you have suggestions! And I'll hope you ll read later!

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