The Manor

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I nod and look up at him, then back to in from of me, seeing a large manor come into view. "Oh, my! It's gorgeous!"

I had never seen anything like it, let alone be inside one! All the windows must let in a lot of light, and the brick seems to be its original color from when it was built! The vines growing along the walls seem like they were placed purposefully. The man known as Sebastian, as if reading my thoughts, chuckles lightly.

"My. Such a fascination with a building that isn't even that old. The brick is fairly new, and we try the best we can to keep it clean. There are three other servants, but I do not wish to overwhelm you. I will allow you to get cleaned up a little bit, and we have some doll clothes that might fit you. Then, you will meet my master." His voice was so stern yet gentle, and once again that weird feeling rises and I shake it off, thinking it was the fish.

"Once again, thank you, sir." I do not want to say too much, for fear of saying something that could upset him. And I do not want to upset someone in the middle of the rain, away from my box. Sighing softly, I look up at him and work up the nerve to ask, "C-Can I have something to eat when we get inside? I-I don't wish to seem rude, but, I haven't really eaten..." I cringe a bit when he looks at me.

"Of course you can. I can tell you haven't really eaten, and I can tell you are hungry. Allow yourself to get cleaned up first and dressed." He smiles warmly, and it makes me feel safer.

"Alright, sir. I will." I actually smile a bit, and he looks at the manor and opens the door, stepping inside. "It's so warm in here..." I murmur aloud, accidentally. Another quiet chuckle.

"Miss Mary, please make yourself comfortable." For a moment I thought I felt him bring me closer to him, then we are moving again, and he takes me into a room, which is obviously not used much. It isn't very personalized, but the cupboard is open a crack, revealing several black tailcoats.

"This must be your room." I look at him as he sets me on his desk and nods.

"It is, now, hold still for a moment please." Sebastian looks at me for a minute before nodding. "You are soaked to the bone, you poor little kitten." He frowns, and I look down. "You must be terribly cold too." He made a soft 'tsk' noise with his tongue, and then he is silent.

The next thing I know, I am being rubbed with a soft cloth, and close my eyes and then look at Sebastian, trying to dry me off as gentle as he can. "I can't stand finding stray cats in the rain. It angers me that no one takes care of those innocent creatures.."

"As much as I am grateful for the help," I pull away from the cloth and him, causing him to look upset. "I am not just a cat. And I am not a pet, which does not make me a 'stray'. I had a family, and I had a friend who meant the world to me, and I to her, but her parents betrayed me and I cannot deal with that again." Something in his eyes relaxes me a bit, but then he gently wipes my face with a finger.

"Miss Mary, you poor dear, I apologize greatly. I did not mean to upset you, nor make you cry." Cry? Sure enough, as I put my hand to my face, I feel the wet tears.

"No, it's not your fault. It's that memory again. That was what was wrong before." My heart feels like it is broken talking about that, and I look down to the desk, then feel the cloth continue to rub me down. "Sir, can I ask you something?"

There is silence and I look at him, intently focused on drying me off, and he is also watching my ears, so I twitch them, catching his attention. "Hmm? Oh, yes, what is it, little miss?"

I watch him admire my black ears and tail a bit before speaking. "Why are you helping me? I know you like cats, but I am a half cat. Isn't there a difference?"

"Not to me, no. You have ears and a tail, with cat-like purple eyes, and it is good enough for me, even if you are only staying one night." Sebastian smiles fondly at me, and reaches his hand out then pulls it back, as if he was going to do something.

"I see." I sigh softly and look up at him. "What did you mean get cleaned up earlier? I don't like water that much."

"I had a feeling you would say that, but, I will be right back. I want to get something for you so that you can bathe then." After I nod, he gets up and leaves.

"He is nice, but I am still not sure whether I can trust him or not." I sit down on the desk, playing with my short black hair and sigh again.

It was only a few minutes before Sebastian came back with a small bowl, and I could see the steam from the water. He was also carrying a black and purple, and a crimson red doll dress, along with a small towel and a small piece of soap. He walks over, laying it all on the desk and looks at me. "I can leave the room, but if you let me stay, I promise to be a gentleman and not look." The smile he gave me then showed he was telling the truth.

"Alright. You can stay, but, you cannot look. At all." Narrowing my eyes, he nods and pulls a chair out, sitting down with his back to me.

I sigh and undo the back of my dress, taking it off and carefully step into the water, the warm encasing me like a tomb. It was just so relaxing, and warm. Picking up the bit of soap, I wash, feeling a bit better after I am clean, and look at the butler to make sure he wasn't looking. Stepping out, I quickly wrap myself in the towel and dry off.

I look at the dresses. The crimson one was gorgeous. It was the crimson, with black trim and a black rose on the waist. Now the purple and black one. Oh, it's absolutely perfect. The black with purple trim, and the lacy sleeves. I pick it up and smile, then look at Sebastian again before quickly changing and I smile, then have to rip a bit for my tail. "Okay, you can look now."

Sebastian turns and looks at me, a smile spreading across his face and he reaches his hand out again, but then pulls it back once more and sighs. "It fits you perfectly." He says in a tone that sounds way more uninterested than he looks.

"Is something wrong?" I look up at him and he seems to look a bit embarrassed. "Sir?" I tilt my head and my ears flatten a bit, my tail curling around me. Seeing me a bit upset seems to make him upset as well.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just, I am so used to cats not speaking to me, and I just want to, well..."

"Sir, what is it? You can tell me. I probably have a lot weirder things about me than what you would ask."

"Well, I was wondering if, since you aren't really a cat and can protest about it, can I please..." He stops again and I sigh.

"J-Just do it if that's alright with you. It can't be worse than what has happened to me before."

Before I know it, his hand reaches out to me, and I cringe a bit until I can feel him petting my ears, and I close my eyes, instantly becoming happier than I have ever been.

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now