Dogs and Fire

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"What do you mean it was an order? And why are you telling me? Won't your master be angry?" I hug my shoulders, and Sebastian sets John and I both on the bed. John slowly walks over to me. 

"If you really love him, hear him out. He did say it was an order at first. That means something changed." I look at John, thinking a little bit. All the nice things he has done for me. All the things that he's said.

"I can offer you a bit of shelter for the night back at my master's manor. If you would like to come and get cleaned up with a new dress as well."

"I can't stand finding stray cats in the rain. It angers me that no one takes care of those innocent creatures.."

I can remember all the times he said he truly meant it. That he cares. Saving me from that mutt, helping me when my side was hurt. That promise. But he had said it was fake. I don't understand at all. "Sebastian. I want the honest truth. Please. I need to know."

"Mary, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special. You were the most adorable kitten I could meet, and I meant every word I have said. The only thing that was fake was the first few days I tried to seduce you. That was an order. Then the order was revoked when you stood up to the master, and my feelings for you are real. Mary Ann, you can't fake feelings like this. I promise you that." 

I smile, his words and tone truthful. I then pause as he continues.

"But, John was right. The size difference is too great. It would never work." He sighs and looks down. 

"Sebastian, that shouldn't matter. Size doesn't matter if you really love someone." I look up at him and walk over to him as he sits on the bed and grab his hand in mine, then have to fight back a laugh at how silly it must look.

"Mary, think about it. What could I do for you?"

"Protect me, be there for me like you do and are now." I frown. "I am thinking about it. Sebastian." I hug his hand.

"Mary I-" He stops and sighs, then wraps his arms around me in a sort of hug, holding me close. My ears twitch and I smile, purring. He was just so warm and comforting. There was no way I would trade this for anything. "Alright. I guess you are right, even if I am going against my better judgement."

I look at John who was watching, half smiling. "You'd be crazy to let her go Sebastian. She is something special. Believe me on that." 

I smile happily, happy to be with an old friend, with the one that I love, in a nice place. I then pause, my ears picking up something. It sounded like a howl. Must be that mutt again. "Sebastian, I never got a chance to thank you for saving me from that dog out there."

"Oh, it's quite alright. I was glad to do it." He looks down at me, his hair falling over his face with that smile. My heart pounded and I look down, only to have my head lifted back up by a gloved finger. I blush and look up at this devilishly handsome man. For some reason my heart beat even faster, and he scooped me into his palm, bringing me up to his face.

I almost froze. Was he going to kiss me? At this thought I blushed madly then look up at him. Before I can do anything, he just nuzzles the side of my face with his nose. I was kind of glad he didn't kiss me, but also a bit disappointed. Instead of showing the disappointment, I giggle.

"Thank you Sebastian." I nuzzle his hand, purring. There was another howl, only louder. Me and John both jump, and I look to the window where a large red dogs eye was looking in, almost glaring.

Sebastian looks to the window and frowns. "Pluto! Go! Right now!" I can't look away from the dog. I can remember the cage. I can remember the dogs and the fire and everything. "Mary?" 

I am pulled from my daze and look at Sebastian, who I realized set me back down on the bed. John was beside me in an instant, and I tear up as memories still flood back.


The men in white were getting more needles. I don't know why they were taking some of us and using the needles on them. "Mama, what are they doing?" I turn to look at my mother, who was looking scared but smiles at me.

"They are simply helping them sleep my dear. Then they are going to a better place than this one." She hugs me. Her touch was always so gentle and loving, and she always made sure I was comfortable. The cage at this point was all I knew of. I didn't know of any world outside my own. All I knew was this cage, and the large room outside it.

"Mary?" John looks at me and smiles, reaching his arm through the bars. "We should try again now. Maybe it will work."

I nod and walk to the side of the cage, reaching my hand through the bars out towards him. My fingers just barely graze his fingertips. "It doesn't work yet John."  

"Oh, but we touched at least. That's better then last week. At least I think it's been a week." He looks at me as I pull my arm back. 

I look back to my mom and dad, my dad walking over and hugs me tightly. "I know your mom has been telling you they are just sleeping. But you should really know what's going on. Apparently we are only failed experiments. Those men in white are scientists. The ones they 'put to sleep' are the ones they kill." 

"Kill?" I look up at him. "But Papa, Mama said-" I look at the cage as it opens, one of the scientists grabbing both my mom and dad, then look at me. "No, please don't!" I reach my arms towars my mom, who smiles softly at me.

"Mary, just stay strong and don't give up hope. We love you more then you could ever know." 

"But Mama!" I could feel the warm tears running down my face. Why did it have to happen now? As soon as I found out what they do. "W-Will I ever s-see you again?"

"It may take a long time my dear!" She calls as she is taken to a table. I turn away, then hear her and my fathers screams. And I had no one to comfort me, no one in this anymore. I was alone besides the boy my age in the cage next to me. And the barking of the dogs outside onlt added to my fear.

"Mama...Papa..." I whisper, crying in the corner. 

~End of Flashback~

"Mary. What did you remember?" John mutters, hugging me gently which seems to make Sebastian mad when I look at him. 

"It wasn't anything important John." I lie, then he takes his hand and wipes something from my face. 

"Your tears say otherwise Mary. Please, tell me what happened?" I couldn't help but blush, but then pull away from him to Sebastian who picks me up. 

"I remembered..." I felt Sebastian tense slightly as if he knew what, and he probably did being a demon; and John tilts is head curiously. "M-My parents."


Okay, I don't think a lot of people like this, and I don't think it's very good. I'm thinking about deleting it, because I feel I am not writing as good as I was. Do let me know if I should or shouldn't in the comments. I really need some help here.

Also, I'd really like some suggestions to know what you think should happen.

(A Black Butler FanFic) Sebastian's NekoWhere stories live. Discover now