Me,Windex and the werewolf

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Tell me what you guys think! dont forget to comment and junk! and if you just dont want to,I'll still love you! just not as much :P lol


Chapter 1

I always supported woman's rights.I always thought woman should not degrade themselves.Thats why im still wondering why i'm working at Hooters.Ironic right? Sometimes I think someone up there is intentionally screwing with me.Money is money in the end I suppose.I put on the uniform and walk out the door.

"Rayne!" A loud voice shouts throughout the restraunt.I ignored it and continued to take my tabels orders."Rayne!" I dont know who or where this guy is but im about to pour hotsauce down his throat."Raaaaaaayyyyyynnnneee!" I follow the voice."What the frunk to you want?!"

"A refil would be nice." He says smugly. Just as I was going to tell him off,i relize who this guy is."Uncle Mac!" I squeal."Havent gotten any smarter I see." He says jokingly.I roll my eyes,"Wait 20 minutes and i'll be done,ok?" He nods and finishes he burger.When im done with my shift I motion for him to come outside with me.

"So,what are you doing here?" I ask casually leaning against my car."I can to wish you a happy 19th Birthday!" He says happily.I chuckle,"Thanks,but your 4 months to late." A smile breaking from my lips."Really?" He says,scratching the back of his head."Can I get a E for effort?" I laugh,"yeah,sure."

We talk for a little while,about what was new with us,stuff like that. "Rayne." He says in a serious tone.I look up at him,"Hmmmmm?" I hum."Your dad wants to talk to you." I freeze. Anger coarses through me like it has a thousand times before."The demented butthole can go to Hell." I say through clenched teethe. Uncle Man flinches from my harsh tone. "I know you can never forgive him for what he did to Sarah." Instantly,memories flooded back of the scum beating my mother,He beat her everyday until she died of a head injury. But the cops never charged him for it.

"Tell him this,I do not have a father.Mine died with my mother." He nods,"I'll be in town for a couple of days,come visit me." I nod and get into my car a speed off to my apartment.

It was 12:20 a.m when I got home,completely exhausted.I crashed on the couch,to tired to walk to my bedroom or change out of my uniform.I fall asleep almost instantly.

You know those dreams where you can feel what is happening?This was alittle to close for comfort..

I was in the woods.Then,I just started running,running as fast as my legs could would let me.I fely completely free.Until,I was knocked into a VERY hard tree,hurting my shoulder in the precess.I whimperd in pain.I looked up to see a pair of blood thirsty yellow eyes looking down at me.He opened his mouth to from what I can gather,naw of my delicate head.

Before he could have supper,another wolf rammed into the 'bad' wolf.Since I was the audience of this 'super epic dogs on steroids fight' I studied 'my' wolf,He was a deep brown with a tint of orange,he is about 2 feet taller than a average wolf and his they were about 3 inches long. But his eyes,they were beautiful. A georgeous midnight black.A moment before 'My' wolf bit the 'bad' wolfs neck,I woke up.

My shoulder was aching when I got up,It was 10 a.m. "Son of a flower! I have to go to work today." I groan into my pillow. I got up and trudged to the bathroom. I nearly screamed at my reflection. My long red hair was so tangled it looked like a afro. And my green eyes looked glazed over. I turned on the shower(with my hot body! lol jk) And jumped in "What time is it? Its shower time!" (I like my version alot better) I got out of the shower and got ready for Hell. I mean work!

On my way to work,I coulent help but wonder what my dream was about. And why I felt a connection with 'My' wolf. I shake off the thought and walk into work.I hardly talk to anybody.I do my job and go home.

It was just a average work night.I was waiting on tabels like usual. Then,a fight broke out in my section. Just my luck right? Again,Someone up there is intintionally screwing with me. I was ATTEMPTING to pull them apart.The idiot who im guessing started the fight wasent even aiming for him fight buddy. He was just throwing them anywhere. Unfortunatly,my head was 'anywhere' (D:) I see one of his rouge punches comming to my face *PAUSE:AGAIN,someone up there is intintionally screwing with me.PLAY:*

I closed my eyes waiting for the inpact. But it never came.This guy who got infront of me blocked it. The 2 meat heads looked scared shizless and ran out the door.

I tried detaching my arm from his hand,But when i touched him,it was like WABAM! or something like that.Its like something clicked within me. I felt all oogley *NEW WORD ALERT!* when I touched him.

Even though I couldent see his face.From what i could see,his butt was pretty impressive.He had brownish shaggy hair,about 6,5' and he was pretty solid and muscular. He let go of me and turned around,I'm pretty sure my brain just exploded.And my eyes molested every inch of his face.

"Are you alright?" Yepp,my ears just melted onto my shoulders."" I stutterd! Right infront of sexymancandyGodguy! Im not talking to myslef for the rest of the night. He smiled and went back to where ever sexymancabdygodguy's sit.

I worked the rest of my shift. I dident see the sexymancandyGodguy leave though..I walked out to my car,completely exhausted. I have never felt this worn down after work..I knew i couldent drive without crashing so,Me,being the idiot I am. Fell asleep beside my car. In the Hooters parking lot.

When i woke up,2 things were wrong. 1)I was in my bed. 2)I dident drive home lastnight. So after much used brain power I came to the conclusion that someone was in my house! And me,being the idiot I am,Went to the bathroom all ninja like and went through my bathroom cabinet and found a weapon. Windex. *PAUSE:Not reccomended for being a effective weapon,you WILL die.PLAY:*

I go through all of the rooma in my apartment and I see noone. I wish i could say the same about the living room..

I saw the sexymancandyGodguy sleeping on MY couch! MY COUCH! Before I could dance around like a crazy fan girl.I freaked.I drenched him in my blue capadre.Squealing like a moron in the process.He wakes up,"WHAT THE HELL!?" He screams. Then,he sees me,In stealth mode,With my almost empty windex bottle.

He raises an eyebrow at me and points a finger to me,then the Windex bottle. "Uhhhh.I dont know who you are or how you got in my apartment but I would back up because I know CPR!" *PAUSE:CPR is NOT effective for defending yourself.PLAY:* I have no valid reason to why That came out of my mouth.But in my defense,It sounded way more awesome in my mind.He stares at me for a second,Then,promtly starts laughing his beaustiful butt off.

He was laughing for 5 minutes. Leaving me embarrassed,blushing and almost out of Windex.

He finally stopped laughing,"Sorry,sorry,My name is Jet,If you sit down i'll explain,just be easy with the Windex." The Windex joke made me blush a deeper red. I sit down on the opposite couch,Windex still locked and loaded as he started talking,


Sooooooo,whacha think?! Was it good?awesome?epic?sucky?horrible? PLEASE TELL ME! I WILL GIVE YOU A HUG!

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