MWATW-(pic of the dinning hall)

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OMFG. I had this chapter halfway written and then my computer shut down! I really want to cry! But I said I would update every Sunday and Since I slacked off last Sunday I'm just going to write this thing again -.-

Remember! Vote and comment for a free air guitar! Pretty please?!?


The voices I heard outside the door couldn't even compare to the number of people who were actually in the room.

Their had to be atleast a hundred. Well, in my eyes, it was a thousand. All of them laughing and talking. It looked like one,big happy family.(times 100) I felt like I was about to do something not reccomended to do in your pants.(if you know what I mean :0) I wanted to run as far as I could away from this place. But their was two problems.

1)Sadie would catch and/or murder me.

2)I couldn't run in heels (D':)

Sadie pushed me forward,gaining the attention of some of the people at the table. I took another step forward, unsure of what to do next. I looked around the table,trying to see someone I reconized so that maybe they could get me out of this mess. No such luck. Then I spotted Jet. Sitting at the very end of the long, wooden table. A blush crept to my cheeks. I looked away and turned to Sadie. Pleading with my eyes to get me out of this. Nope, she wants to see me suffer, I think grudgingly. And as if on que, all the table turned their attention on me.


Some gasped, some whispered to eachother. Everyone was talking and/or judging me. Except one. That one was Jet. He was staring at me in awe. My blush went a deeper red than before. Man, what's this boy doing to me?! My breathe left my body (not because he stunk, but because he is sexylicious ;P) when I noticed what he was wearing;

A tight black shirt that CLEARLY, I repeat, CLEARLY showed his eight pack. *I'd just like to take this wonderful moment to thank whoever is up there. Thankyou for not screwing with with me today, but for blessing me :'D* before I could soak his sexy in; He abrupty stood up from his chair. Shutting up anybody who was talking before. He hastily stalked towards me. I tried to stand up more confidently, and not like an awkward giraffe.(yeah, not working out to well -.- stupid heels..)

I was pulled out of my thoughts. Jet was right infront of me by now. Earning the curious stares of the people at the table. And from me as well. He grabbed my hand. I lightly gasped because of the oogley feeling shooting up my arm.

He power walks me toward the direction of his seat. But before we could get there, I trip over my heels.(AKA the beautiful, red death-traps) I close my eyes expecting the cold floor to catch me.(Yepp, someone up their is intentionally screwing with me D:) Only the floor didn't. Jets arms did. (Nevermind ;P)

I was expecting him to pick Me up and we would continue to walk to his seat. Nope, I'm figuring out that doing the expected isn't Jet's style -.-. Instead of doing the conventional way, he lifted me up and carried me bridal style over to his seat.

At this point, I'm as red as my heels. All the table is ATTMEPTING TO hide their laughter and smiles. Nope, not Jet. He was wearing a grin on his face as he plops down on his chair. Me following suite. (Not that I'm complaining ;P) Everybody is staring at me wide-eyed but not daring to comment.So me, being the little dare-devil that I am, decided to open my big mouth and comment. (0.0)

"So, as you can tell, Im not used to walking in heels." I say, trying to fight off the deathly silence that's flooding the room.

It earned a few chuckles and even more smiles. (BOO-YA! One point for Rayne! :D)

Karen,(Jet's mom) stood up from her seat. Surprising me because I hadn't noticed her before.

"Rayne, this is the whole sha-bang. Most of them live in the houses out back, but they all wanted to meet you. Don't worry, they wont bite." Karen says, giving me a reasuring smile.

Most of the The table chuckled, as if it were an inside joke. I really hated not being inside the loop. (T.T)

I guess I should introduce myself..okay! Here it goes. (:3)

"Hi! I'm Rayne and I'm Jet's..friend?" I say, unsure of what mine and Jet's relationship is..or even if it is a relationship..

Jet's arms tighten around my waist, I stare at him, confused, but I shrug it off.

The rest of the evening went great. No falls or awkward silences.(YESSSSSS! :D) the only thing uncomfortable about the evening was when Jet growled at whoever offered me a seat. So I came up with two conclusions why Jet growls;

1)Jet is PMSing.

2)He gets WAAAAAAY to into Twilight.

I shrug it off. Finally prying myself away from Jet's arms, I offer small smiles to leaving guests. Then; I see Keegan! My brain is about to explode from cuteness overload! (:D) I walk over to him and get on my knees to be eye level with him. He looks frighntend..well he kinda should be..*bows head in shame*

"Hey buddy, I'm sorry I went all crazy on you this morning. Its just that your so darn cute!" I squeal, giving him a huge grin.

Keegan blushes, "its okay miss, but I gatta go now, okay? Bye bye!" Keegan says, walking away while sending me a small wave.

I wave back at him, "alright,oh, you can call me Rayne. I don't mind!" I yell before he walks out if the room.

While I'm struggling to get back up in these heels. Sadie and Karen approach me, they help me up and talk about how well I did, yada yada yada. They eventually walk out of the dining hall. Leaving me and Jet to be the only people in the room.

"Hi?" I say unsure of myself.

I sigh when he doesn't respond. So I stalk towards him and pull up a seat right next to him. He has something to say so he should say it. So I'm going to wait here until he does. So I wait. One minute turns into two then finally we get to three consecutive minutes of awkward silence. (*.*)

THEN! He FINALLY opens his mouth. "I'm sorry I acted that way. Their is no excuse." Jet said tightly.

I let out the breathe I was holding, "I'm sorry to, I ussually don't go crawling naked on peoples floors.." I say with a small laugh, realizing how stupid that sounds.

When he doesn't say anything,I stand up with a sigh,"I guess I'll be going now..thanks for the dinner." I state ,"I'll find my car on my own..." I say, unsure of myself.

Before I could take my first step, Jet's hand grabbed my wrist. My face twisted with confusion and And stare down at Jet's slumping body.

"Just stay a little while longer and I'll answer any questions you have." Jet pleads.

I stare at his begging eyes in shock. I hesitate, thinking if this was a good idea. Well, ive been wanting answers and he's offering them..sure, why not?

"I'll stay until someone finds my car.." I say, defeatedly.

Jet gives a triumphant smile, pulls me towards the door and after 50 burned calories later, Jet and I are in the study I was in earlier today.

He picks me up and places me gently on the big, wooden desk.

"You know, I dont know what it is about you and carrying me everywhere, but I'm getting concerend." I say jockingly.

He doesn't even crack a smile. Jet makes his way to the numberous books on the shelves. Looking for the right one. He looks on the top shelf and pulls out a brownish leather book that looks like its seen its better days.

"So Jet..whatcha doing?" I say, trying to lighten the heavy air in the room.

"What's do you think about..werewolves?" Jet asked,looking at me cautiously.


Okay! There's that! It would be up earlier but had to re-write it since my computer is a honknocker @.@

Vote or comment- prefferably both! Tell me what I need to improve on! And should I start doing other POV's besides Rayne's??

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